(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.IMask = {})); })(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict'; /** Checks if value is string */ function isString(str) { return typeof str === 'string' || str instanceof String; } /** Checks if value is object */ function isObject(obj) { var _obj$constructor; return typeof obj === 'object' && obj != null && (obj == null || (_obj$constructor = obj.constructor) == null ? void 0 : _obj$constructor.name) === 'Object'; } function pick(obj, keys) { if (Array.isArray(keys)) return pick(obj, (_, k) => keys.includes(k)); return Object.entries(obj).reduce((acc, _ref) => { let [k, v] = _ref; if (keys(v, k)) acc[k] = v; return acc; }, {}); } /** Direction */ const DIRECTION = { NONE: 'NONE', LEFT: 'LEFT', FORCE_LEFT: 'FORCE_LEFT', RIGHT: 'RIGHT', FORCE_RIGHT: 'FORCE_RIGHT' }; /** Direction */ function forceDirection(direction) { switch (direction) { case DIRECTION.LEFT: return DIRECTION.FORCE_LEFT; case DIRECTION.RIGHT: return DIRECTION.FORCE_RIGHT; default: return direction; } } /** Escapes regular expression control chars */ function escapeRegExp(str) { return str.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]/\\])/g, '\\$1'); } // cloned from https://github.com/epoberezkin/fast-deep-equal with small changes function objectIncludes(b, a) { if (a === b) return true; const arrA = Array.isArray(a), arrB = Array.isArray(b); let i; if (arrA && arrB) { if (a.length != b.length) return false; for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) if (!objectIncludes(a[i], b[i])) return false; return true; } if (arrA != arrB) return false; if (a && b && typeof a === 'object' && typeof b === 'object') { const dateA = a instanceof Date, dateB = b instanceof Date; if (dateA && dateB) return a.getTime() == b.getTime(); if (dateA != dateB) return false; const regexpA = a instanceof RegExp, regexpB = b instanceof RegExp; if (regexpA && regexpB) return a.toString() == b.toString(); if (regexpA != regexpB) return false; const keys = Object.keys(a); // if (keys.length !== Object.keys(b).length) return false; for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, keys[i])) return false; for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) if (!objectIncludes(b[keys[i]], a[keys[i]])) return false; return true; } else if (a && b && typeof a === 'function' && typeof b === 'function') { return a.toString() === b.toString(); } return false; } /** Selection range */ /** Provides details of changing input */ class ActionDetails { /** Current input value */ /** Current cursor position */ /** Old input value */ /** Old selection */ constructor(opts) { Object.assign(this, opts); // double check if left part was changed (autofilling, other non-standard input triggers) while (this.value.slice(0, this.startChangePos) !== this.oldValue.slice(0, this.startChangePos)) { --this.oldSelection.start; } if (this.insertedCount) { // double check right part while (this.value.slice(this.cursorPos) !== this.oldValue.slice(this.oldSelection.end)) { if (this.value.length - this.cursorPos < this.oldValue.length - this.oldSelection.end) ++this.oldSelection.end;else ++this.cursorPos; } } } /** Start changing position */ get startChangePos() { return Math.min(this.cursorPos, this.oldSelection.start); } /** Inserted symbols count */ get insertedCount() { return this.cursorPos - this.startChangePos; } /** Inserted symbols */ get inserted() { return this.value.substr(this.startChangePos, this.insertedCount); } /** Removed symbols count */ get removedCount() { // Math.max for opposite operation return Math.max(this.oldSelection.end - this.startChangePos || // for Delete this.oldValue.length - this.value.length, 0); } /** Removed symbols */ get removed() { return this.oldValue.substr(this.startChangePos, this.removedCount); } /** Unchanged head symbols */ get head() { return this.value.substring(0, this.startChangePos); } /** Unchanged tail symbols */ get tail() { return this.value.substring(this.startChangePos + this.insertedCount); } /** Remove direction */ get removeDirection() { if (!this.removedCount || this.insertedCount) return DIRECTION.NONE; // align right if delete at right return (this.oldSelection.end === this.cursorPos || this.oldSelection.start === this.cursorPos) && // if not range removed (event with backspace) this.oldSelection.end === this.oldSelection.start ? DIRECTION.RIGHT : DIRECTION.LEFT; } } /** Applies mask on element */ function IMask(el, opts) { // currently available only for input-like elements return new IMask.InputMask(el, opts); } // TODO can't use overloads here because of https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/50754 // export function maskedClass(mask: string): typeof MaskedPattern; // export function maskedClass(mask: DateConstructor): typeof MaskedDate; // export function maskedClass(mask: NumberConstructor): typeof MaskedNumber; // export function maskedClass(mask: Array | ArrayConstructor): typeof MaskedDynamic; // export function maskedClass(mask: MaskedDate): typeof MaskedDate; // export function maskedClass(mask: MaskedNumber): typeof MaskedNumber; // export function maskedClass(mask: MaskedEnum): typeof MaskedEnum; // export function maskedClass(mask: MaskedRange): typeof MaskedRange; // export function maskedClass(mask: MaskedRegExp): typeof MaskedRegExp; // export function maskedClass(mask: MaskedFunction): typeof MaskedFunction; // export function maskedClass(mask: MaskedPattern): typeof MaskedPattern; // export function maskedClass(mask: MaskedDynamic): typeof MaskedDynamic; // export function maskedClass(mask: Masked): typeof Masked; // export function maskedClass(mask: typeof Masked): typeof Masked; // export function maskedClass(mask: typeof MaskedDate): typeof MaskedDate; // export function maskedClass(mask: typeof MaskedNumber): typeof MaskedNumber; // export function maskedClass(mask: typeof MaskedEnum): typeof MaskedEnum; // export function maskedClass(mask: typeof MaskedRange): typeof MaskedRange; // export function maskedClass(mask: typeof MaskedRegExp): typeof MaskedRegExp; // export function maskedClass(mask: typeof MaskedFunction): typeof MaskedFunction; // export function maskedClass(mask: typeof MaskedPattern): typeof MaskedPattern; // export function maskedClass(mask: typeof MaskedDynamic): typeof MaskedDynamic; // export function maskedClass (mask: Mask): Mask; // export function maskedClass(mask: RegExp): typeof MaskedRegExp; // export function maskedClass(mask: (value: string, ...args: any[]) => boolean): typeof MaskedFunction; /** Get Masked class by mask type */ function maskedClass(mask) /* TODO */{ if (mask == null) throw new Error('mask property should be defined'); if (mask instanceof RegExp) return IMask.MaskedRegExp; if (isString(mask)) return IMask.MaskedPattern; if (mask === Date) return IMask.MaskedDate; if (mask === Number) return IMask.MaskedNumber; if (Array.isArray(mask) || mask === Array) return IMask.MaskedDynamic; if (IMask.Masked && mask.prototype instanceof IMask.Masked) return mask; if (IMask.Masked && mask instanceof IMask.Masked) return mask.constructor; if (mask instanceof Function) return IMask.MaskedFunction; console.warn('Mask not found for mask', mask); // eslint-disable-line no-console return IMask.Masked; } function normalizeOpts(opts) { if (!opts) throw new Error('Options in not defined'); if (IMask.Masked) { if (opts.prototype instanceof IMask.Masked) return { mask: opts }; /* handle cases like: 1) opts = Masked 2) opts = { mask: Masked, ...instanceOpts } */ const { mask = undefined, ...instanceOpts } = opts instanceof IMask.Masked ? { mask: opts } : isObject(opts) && opts.mask instanceof IMask.Masked ? opts : {}; if (mask) { const _mask = mask.mask; return { ...pick(mask, (_, k) => !k.startsWith('_')), mask: mask.constructor, _mask, ...instanceOpts }; } } if (!isObject(opts)) return { mask: opts }; return { ...opts }; } // TODO can't use overloads here because of https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/50754 // From masked // export default function createMask (opts: Opts): ReturnMasked; // // From masked class // export default function createMask, ReturnMasked extends Masked=InstanceType> (opts: Opts): ReturnMasked; // export default function createMask, ReturnMasked extends MaskedDate=MaskedDate> (opts: Opts): ReturnMasked; // export default function createMask, ReturnMasked extends MaskedNumber=MaskedNumber> (opts: Opts): ReturnMasked; // export default function createMask, ReturnMasked extends MaskedEnum=MaskedEnum> (opts: Opts): ReturnMasked; // export default function createMask, ReturnMasked extends MaskedRange=MaskedRange> (opts: Opts): ReturnMasked; // export default function createMask, ReturnMasked extends MaskedRegExp=MaskedRegExp> (opts: Opts): ReturnMasked; // export default function createMask, ReturnMasked extends MaskedFunction=MaskedFunction> (opts: Opts): ReturnMasked; // export default function createMask, ReturnMasked extends MaskedPattern=MaskedPattern> (opts: Opts): ReturnMasked; // export default function createMask, ReturnMasked extends MaskedDynamic=MaskedDynamic> (opts: Opts): ReturnMasked; // // From mask opts // export default function createMask, ReturnMasked=Opts extends MaskedOptions ? M : never> (opts: Opts): ReturnMasked; // export default function createMask> (opts: Opts): ReturnMasked; // export default function createMask> (opts: Opts): ReturnMasked; // export default function createMask> (opts: Opts): ReturnMasked; // export default function createMask> (opts: Opts): ReturnMasked; // export default function createMask> (opts: Opts): ReturnMasked; // export default function createMask> (opts: Opts): ReturnMasked; // export default function createMask, ReturnMasked extends MaskedRegExp=MaskedRegExp> (opts: Opts): ReturnMasked; // export default function createMask, ReturnMasked extends MaskedFunction=MaskedFunction> (opts: Opts): ReturnMasked; /** Creates new {@link Masked} depending on mask type */ function createMask(opts) { if (IMask.Masked && opts instanceof IMask.Masked) return opts; const nOpts = normalizeOpts(opts); const MaskedClass = maskedClass(nOpts.mask); if (!MaskedClass) throw new Error("Masked class is not found for provided mask " + nOpts.mask + ", appropriate module needs to be imported manually before creating mask."); if (nOpts.mask === MaskedClass) delete nOpts.mask; if (nOpts._mask) { nOpts.mask = nOpts._mask; delete nOpts._mask; } return new MaskedClass(nOpts); } IMask.createMask = createMask; /** Generic element API to use with mask */ class MaskElement { /** */ /** */ /** */ /** Safely returns selection start */ get selectionStart() { let start; try { start = this._unsafeSelectionStart; } catch {} return start != null ? start : this.value.length; } /** Safely returns selection end */ get selectionEnd() { let end; try { end = this._unsafeSelectionEnd; } catch {} return end != null ? end : this.value.length; } /** Safely sets element selection */ select(start, end) { if (start == null || end == null || start === this.selectionStart && end === this.selectionEnd) return; try { this._unsafeSelect(start, end); } catch {} } /** */ get isActive() { return false; } /** */ /** */ /** */ } IMask.MaskElement = MaskElement; const KEY_Z = 90; const KEY_Y = 89; /** Bridge between HTMLElement and {@link Masked} */ class HTMLMaskElement extends MaskElement { /** HTMLElement to use mask on */ constructor(input) { super(); this.input = input; this._onKeydown = this._onKeydown.bind(this); this._onInput = this._onInput.bind(this); this._onBeforeinput = this._onBeforeinput.bind(this); this._onCompositionEnd = this._onCompositionEnd.bind(this); } get rootElement() { var _this$input$getRootNo, _this$input$getRootNo2, _this$input; return (_this$input$getRootNo = (_this$input$getRootNo2 = (_this$input = this.input).getRootNode) == null ? void 0 : _this$input$getRootNo2.call(_this$input)) != null ? _this$input$getRootNo : document; } /** Is element in focus */ get isActive() { return this.input === this.rootElement.activeElement; } /** Binds HTMLElement events to mask internal events */ bindEvents(handlers) { this.input.addEventListener('keydown', this._onKeydown); this.input.addEventListener('input', this._onInput); this.input.addEventListener('beforeinput', this._onBeforeinput); this.input.addEventListener('compositionend', this._onCompositionEnd); this.input.addEventListener('drop', handlers.drop); this.input.addEventListener('click', handlers.click); this.input.addEventListener('focus', handlers.focus); this.input.addEventListener('blur', handlers.commit); this._handlers = handlers; } _onKeydown(e) { if (this._handlers.redo && (e.keyCode === KEY_Z && e.shiftKey && (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) || e.keyCode === KEY_Y && e.ctrlKey)) { e.preventDefault(); return this._handlers.redo(e); } if (this._handlers.undo && e.keyCode === KEY_Z && (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey)) { e.preventDefault(); return this._handlers.undo(e); } if (!e.isComposing) this._handlers.selectionChange(e); } _onBeforeinput(e) { if (e.inputType === 'historyUndo' && this._handlers.undo) { e.preventDefault(); return this._handlers.undo(e); } if (e.inputType === 'historyRedo' && this._handlers.redo) { e.preventDefault(); return this._handlers.redo(e); } } _onCompositionEnd(e) { this._handlers.input(e); } _onInput(e) { if (!e.isComposing) this._handlers.input(e); } /** Unbinds HTMLElement events to mask internal events */ unbindEvents() { this.input.removeEventListener('keydown', this._onKeydown); this.input.removeEventListener('input', this._onInput); this.input.removeEventListener('beforeinput', this._onBeforeinput); this.input.removeEventListener('compositionend', this._onCompositionEnd); this.input.removeEventListener('drop', this._handlers.drop); this.input.removeEventListener('click', this._handlers.click); this.input.removeEventListener('focus', this._handlers.focus); this.input.removeEventListener('blur', this._handlers.commit); this._handlers = {}; } } IMask.HTMLMaskElement = HTMLMaskElement; /** Bridge between InputElement and {@link Masked} */ class HTMLInputMaskElement extends HTMLMaskElement { /** InputElement to use mask on */ constructor(input) { super(input); this.input = input; } /** Returns InputElement selection start */ get _unsafeSelectionStart() { return this.input.selectionStart != null ? this.input.selectionStart : this.value.length; } /** Returns InputElement selection end */ get _unsafeSelectionEnd() { return this.input.selectionEnd; } /** Sets InputElement selection */ _unsafeSelect(start, end) { this.input.setSelectionRange(start, end); } get value() { return this.input.value; } set value(value) { this.input.value = value; } } IMask.HTMLMaskElement = HTMLMaskElement; class HTMLContenteditableMaskElement extends HTMLMaskElement { /** Returns HTMLElement selection start */ get _unsafeSelectionStart() { const root = this.rootElement; const selection = root.getSelection && root.getSelection(); const anchorOffset = selection && selection.anchorOffset; const focusOffset = selection && selection.focusOffset; if (focusOffset == null || anchorOffset == null || anchorOffset < focusOffset) { return anchorOffset; } return focusOffset; } /** Returns HTMLElement selection end */ get _unsafeSelectionEnd() { const root = this.rootElement; const selection = root.getSelection && root.getSelection(); const anchorOffset = selection && selection.anchorOffset; const focusOffset = selection && selection.focusOffset; if (focusOffset == null || anchorOffset == null || anchorOffset > focusOffset) { return anchorOffset; } return focusOffset; } /** Sets HTMLElement selection */ _unsafeSelect(start, end) { if (!this.rootElement.createRange) return; const range = this.rootElement.createRange(); range.setStart(this.input.firstChild || this.input, start); range.setEnd(this.input.lastChild || this.input, end); const root = this.rootElement; const selection = root.getSelection && root.getSelection(); if (selection) { selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } } /** HTMLElement value */ get value() { return this.input.textContent || ''; } set value(value) { this.input.textContent = value; } } IMask.HTMLContenteditableMaskElement = HTMLContenteditableMaskElement; class InputHistory { constructor() { this.states = []; this.currentIndex = 0; } get currentState() { return this.states[this.currentIndex]; } get isEmpty() { return this.states.length === 0; } push(state) { // if current index points before the last element then remove the future if (this.currentIndex < this.states.length - 1) this.states.length = this.currentIndex + 1; this.states.push(state); if (this.states.length > InputHistory.MAX_LENGTH) this.states.shift(); this.currentIndex = this.states.length - 1; } go(steps) { this.currentIndex = Math.min(Math.max(this.currentIndex + steps, 0), this.states.length - 1); return this.currentState; } undo() { return this.go(-1); } redo() { return this.go(+1); } clear() { this.states.length = 0; this.currentIndex = 0; } } InputHistory.MAX_LENGTH = 100; /** Listens to element events and controls changes between element and {@link Masked} */ class InputMask { /** View element */ /** Internal {@link Masked} model */ constructor(el, opts) { this.el = el instanceof MaskElement ? el : el.isContentEditable && el.tagName !== 'INPUT' && el.tagName !== 'TEXTAREA' ? new HTMLContenteditableMaskElement(el) : new HTMLInputMaskElement(el); this.masked = createMask(opts); this._listeners = {}; this._value = ''; this._unmaskedValue = ''; this._rawInputValue = ''; this.history = new InputHistory(); this._saveSelection = this._saveSelection.bind(this); this._onInput = this._onInput.bind(this); this._onChange = this._onChange.bind(this); this._onDrop = this._onDrop.bind(this); this._onFocus = this._onFocus.bind(this); this._onClick = this._onClick.bind(this); this._onUndo = this._onUndo.bind(this); this._onRedo = this._onRedo.bind(this); this.alignCursor = this.alignCursor.bind(this); this.alignCursorFriendly = this.alignCursorFriendly.bind(this); this._bindEvents(); // refresh this._onChange(); } maskEquals(mask) { var _this$masked; return mask == null || ((_this$masked = this.masked) == null ? void 0 : _this$masked.maskEquals(mask)); } /** Masked */ get mask() { return this.masked.mask; } set mask(mask) { if (this.maskEquals(mask)) return; if (!(mask instanceof IMask.Masked) && this.masked.constructor === maskedClass(mask)) { // TODO "any" no idea this.masked.updateOptions({ mask }); return; } const masked = mask instanceof IMask.Masked ? mask : createMask({ mask }); masked.unmaskedValue = this.masked.unmaskedValue; this.masked = masked; } /** Raw value */ get value() { return this._value; } set value(str) { if (this.value === str) return; this.masked.value = str; this.updateControl('auto'); } /** Unmasked value */ get unmaskedValue() { return this._unmaskedValue; } set unmaskedValue(str) { if (this.unmaskedValue === str) return; this.masked.unmaskedValue = str; this.updateControl('auto'); } /** Raw input value */ get rawInputValue() { return this._rawInputValue; } set rawInputValue(str) { if (this.rawInputValue === str) return; this.masked.rawInputValue = str; this.updateControl(); this.alignCursor(); } /** Typed unmasked value */ get typedValue() { return this.masked.typedValue; } set typedValue(val) { if (this.masked.typedValueEquals(val)) return; this.masked.typedValue = val; this.updateControl('auto'); } /** Display value */ get displayValue() { return this.masked.displayValue; } /** Starts listening to element events */ _bindEvents() { this.el.bindEvents({ selectionChange: this._saveSelection, input: this._onInput, drop: this._onDrop, click: this._onClick, focus: this._onFocus, commit: this._onChange, undo: this._onUndo, redo: this._onRedo }); } /** Stops listening to element events */ _unbindEvents() { if (this.el) this.el.unbindEvents(); } /** Fires custom event */ _fireEvent(ev, e) { const listeners = this._listeners[ev]; if (!listeners) return; listeners.forEach(l => l(e)); } /** Current selection start */ get selectionStart() { return this._cursorChanging ? this._changingCursorPos : this.el.selectionStart; } /** Current cursor position */ get cursorPos() { return this._cursorChanging ? this._changingCursorPos : this.el.selectionEnd; } set cursorPos(pos) { if (!this.el || !this.el.isActive) return; this.el.select(pos, pos); this._saveSelection(); } /** Stores current selection */ _saveSelection( /* ev */ ) { if (this.displayValue !== this.el.value) { console.warn('Element value was changed outside of mask. Syncronize mask using `mask.updateValue()` to work properly.'); // eslint-disable-line no-console } this._selection = { start: this.selectionStart, end: this.cursorPos }; } /** Syncronizes model value from view */ updateValue() { this.masked.value = this.el.value; this._value = this.masked.value; this._unmaskedValue = this.masked.unmaskedValue; this._rawInputValue = this.masked.rawInputValue; } /** Syncronizes view from model value, fires change events */ updateControl(cursorPos) { const newUnmaskedValue = this.masked.unmaskedValue; const newValue = this.masked.value; const newRawInputValue = this.masked.rawInputValue; const newDisplayValue = this.displayValue; const isChanged = this.unmaskedValue !== newUnmaskedValue || this.value !== newValue || this._rawInputValue !== newRawInputValue; this._unmaskedValue = newUnmaskedValue; this._value = newValue; this._rawInputValue = newRawInputValue; if (this.el.value !== newDisplayValue) this.el.value = newDisplayValue; if (cursorPos === 'auto') this.alignCursor();else if (cursorPos != null) this.cursorPos = cursorPos; if (isChanged) this._fireChangeEvents(); if (!this._historyChanging && (isChanged || this.history.isEmpty)) this.history.push({ unmaskedValue: newUnmaskedValue, selection: { start: this.selectionStart, end: this.cursorPos } }); } /** Updates options with deep equal check, recreates {@link Masked} model if mask type changes */ updateOptions(opts) { const { mask, ...restOpts } = opts; // TODO types, yes, mask is optional const updateMask = !this.maskEquals(mask); const updateOpts = this.masked.optionsIsChanged(restOpts); if (updateMask) this.mask = mask; if (updateOpts) this.masked.updateOptions(restOpts); // TODO if (updateMask || updateOpts) this.updateControl(); } /** Updates cursor */ updateCursor(cursorPos) { if (cursorPos == null) return; this.cursorPos = cursorPos; // also queue change cursor for mobile browsers this._delayUpdateCursor(cursorPos); } /** Delays cursor update to support mobile browsers */ _delayUpdateCursor(cursorPos) { this._abortUpdateCursor(); this._changingCursorPos = cursorPos; this._cursorChanging = setTimeout(() => { if (!this.el) return; // if was destroyed this.cursorPos = this._changingCursorPos; this._abortUpdateCursor(); }, 10); } /** Fires custom events */ _fireChangeEvents() { this._fireEvent('accept', this._inputEvent); if (this.masked.isComplete) this._fireEvent('complete', this._inputEvent); } /** Aborts delayed cursor update */ _abortUpdateCursor() { if (this._cursorChanging) { clearTimeout(this._cursorChanging); delete this._cursorChanging; } } /** Aligns cursor to nearest available position */ alignCursor() { this.cursorPos = this.masked.nearestInputPos(this.masked.nearestInputPos(this.cursorPos, DIRECTION.LEFT)); } /** Aligns cursor only if selection is empty */ alignCursorFriendly() { if (this.selectionStart !== this.cursorPos) return; // skip if range is selected this.alignCursor(); } /** Adds listener on custom event */ on(ev, handler) { if (!this._listeners[ev]) this._listeners[ev] = []; this._listeners[ev].push(handler); return this; } /** Removes custom event listener */ off(ev, handler) { if (!this._listeners[ev]) return this; if (!handler) { delete this._listeners[ev]; return this; } const hIndex = this._listeners[ev].indexOf(handler); if (hIndex >= 0) this._listeners[ev].splice(hIndex, 1); return this; } /** Handles view input event */ _onInput(e) { this._inputEvent = e; this._abortUpdateCursor(); const details = new ActionDetails({ // new state value: this.el.value, cursorPos: this.cursorPos, // old state oldValue: this.displayValue, oldSelection: this._selection }); const oldRawValue = this.masked.rawInputValue; const offset = this.masked.splice(details.startChangePos, details.removed.length, details.inserted, details.removeDirection, { input: true, raw: true }).offset; // force align in remove direction only if no input chars were removed // otherwise we still need to align with NONE (to get out from fixed symbols for instance) const removeDirection = oldRawValue === this.masked.rawInputValue ? details.removeDirection : DIRECTION.NONE; let cursorPos = this.masked.nearestInputPos(details.startChangePos + offset, removeDirection); if (removeDirection !== DIRECTION.NONE) cursorPos = this.masked.nearestInputPos(cursorPos, DIRECTION.NONE); this.updateControl(cursorPos); delete this._inputEvent; } /** Handles view change event and commits model value */ _onChange() { if (this.displayValue !== this.el.value) this.updateValue(); this.masked.doCommit(); this.updateControl(); this._saveSelection(); } /** Handles view drop event, prevents by default */ _onDrop(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } /** Restore last selection on focus */ _onFocus(ev) { this.alignCursorFriendly(); } /** Restore last selection on focus */ _onClick(ev) { this.alignCursorFriendly(); } _onUndo() { this._applyHistoryState(this.history.undo()); } _onRedo() { this._applyHistoryState(this.history.redo()); } _applyHistoryState(state) { if (!state) return; this._historyChanging = true; this.unmaskedValue = state.unmaskedValue; this.el.select(state.selection.start, state.selection.end); this._saveSelection(); this._historyChanging = false; } /** Unbind view events and removes element reference */ destroy() { this._unbindEvents(); this._listeners.length = 0; delete this.el; } } IMask.InputMask = InputMask; /** Provides details of changing model value */ class ChangeDetails { /** Inserted symbols */ /** Additional offset if any changes occurred before tail */ /** Raw inserted is used by dynamic mask */ /** Can skip chars */ static normalize(prep) { return Array.isArray(prep) ? prep : [prep, new ChangeDetails()]; } constructor(details) { Object.assign(this, { inserted: '', rawInserted: '', tailShift: 0, skip: false }, details); } /** Aggregate changes */ aggregate(details) { this.inserted += details.inserted; this.rawInserted += details.rawInserted; this.tailShift += details.tailShift; this.skip = this.skip || details.skip; return this; } /** Total offset considering all changes */ get offset() { return this.tailShift + this.inserted.length; } get consumed() { return Boolean(this.rawInserted) || this.skip; } equals(details) { return this.inserted === details.inserted && this.tailShift === details.tailShift && this.rawInserted === details.rawInserted && this.skip === details.skip; } } IMask.ChangeDetails = ChangeDetails; /** Provides details of continuous extracted tail */ class ContinuousTailDetails { /** Tail value as string */ /** Tail start position */ /** Start position */ constructor(value, from, stop) { if (value === void 0) { value = ''; } if (from === void 0) { from = 0; } this.value = value; this.from = from; this.stop = stop; } toString() { return this.value; } extend(tail) { this.value += String(tail); } appendTo(masked) { return masked.append(this.toString(), { tail: true }).aggregate(masked._appendPlaceholder()); } get state() { return { value: this.value, from: this.from, stop: this.stop }; } set state(state) { Object.assign(this, state); } unshift(beforePos) { if (!this.value.length || beforePos != null && this.from >= beforePos) return ''; const shiftChar = this.value[0]; this.value = this.value.slice(1); return shiftChar; } shift() { if (!this.value.length) return ''; const shiftChar = this.value[this.value.length - 1]; this.value = this.value.slice(0, -1); return shiftChar; } } /** Append flags */ /** Extract flags */ // see https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/6223 /** Provides common masking stuff */ class Masked { /** */ /** */ /** Transforms value before mask processing */ /** Transforms each char before mask processing */ /** Validates if value is acceptable */ /** Does additional processing at the end of editing */ /** Format typed value to string */ /** Parse string to get typed value */ /** Enable characters overwriting */ /** */ /** */ /** */ /** */ constructor(opts) { this._value = ''; this._update({ ...Masked.DEFAULTS, ...opts }); this._initialized = true; } /** Sets and applies new options */ updateOptions(opts) { if (!this.optionsIsChanged(opts)) return; this.withValueRefresh(this._update.bind(this, opts)); } /** Sets new options */ _update(opts) { Object.assign(this, opts); } /** Mask state */ get state() { return { _value: this.value, _rawInputValue: this.rawInputValue }; } set state(state) { this._value = state._value; } /** Resets value */ reset() { this._value = ''; } get value() { return this._value; } set value(value) { this.resolve(value, { input: true }); } /** Resolve new value */ resolve(value, flags) { if (flags === void 0) { flags = { input: true }; } this.reset(); this.append(value, flags, ''); this.doCommit(); } get unmaskedValue() { return this.value; } set unmaskedValue(value) { this.resolve(value, {}); } get typedValue() { return this.parse ? this.parse(this.value, this) : this.unmaskedValue; } set typedValue(value) { if (this.format) { this.value = this.format(value, this); } else { this.unmaskedValue = String(value); } } /** Value that includes raw user input */ get rawInputValue() { return this.extractInput(0, this.displayValue.length, { raw: true }); } set rawInputValue(value) { this.resolve(value, { raw: true }); } get displayValue() { return this.value; } get isComplete() { return true; } get isFilled() { return this.isComplete; } /** Finds nearest input position in direction */ nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction) { return cursorPos; } totalInputPositions(fromPos, toPos) { if (fromPos === void 0) { fromPos = 0; } if (toPos === void 0) { toPos = this.displayValue.length; } return Math.min(this.displayValue.length, toPos - fromPos); } /** Extracts value in range considering flags */ extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags) { if (fromPos === void 0) { fromPos = 0; } if (toPos === void 0) { toPos = this.displayValue.length; } return this.displayValue.slice(fromPos, toPos); } /** Extracts tail in range */ extractTail(fromPos, toPos) { if (fromPos === void 0) { fromPos = 0; } if (toPos === void 0) { toPos = this.displayValue.length; } return new ContinuousTailDetails(this.extractInput(fromPos, toPos), fromPos); } /** Appends tail */ appendTail(tail) { if (isString(tail)) tail = new ContinuousTailDetails(String(tail)); return tail.appendTo(this); } /** Appends char */ _appendCharRaw(ch, flags) { if (!ch) return new ChangeDetails(); this._value += ch; return new ChangeDetails({ inserted: ch, rawInserted: ch }); } /** Appends char */ _appendChar(ch, flags, checkTail) { if (flags === void 0) { flags = {}; } const consistentState = this.state; let details; [ch, details] = this.doPrepareChar(ch, flags); if (ch) { details = details.aggregate(this._appendCharRaw(ch, flags)); // TODO handle `skip`? // try `autofix` lookahead if (!details.rawInserted && this.autofix === 'pad') { const noFixState = this.state; this.state = consistentState; let fixDetails = this.pad(flags); const chDetails = this._appendCharRaw(ch, flags); fixDetails = fixDetails.aggregate(chDetails); // if fix was applied or // if details are equal use skip restoring state optimization if (chDetails.rawInserted || fixDetails.equals(details)) { details = fixDetails; } else { this.state = noFixState; } } } if (details.inserted) { let consistentTail; let appended = this.doValidate(flags) !== false; if (appended && checkTail != null) { // validation ok, check tail const beforeTailState = this.state; if (this.overwrite === true) { consistentTail = checkTail.state; for (let i = 0; i < details.rawInserted.length; ++i) { checkTail.unshift(this.displayValue.length - details.tailShift); } } let tailDetails = this.appendTail(checkTail); appended = tailDetails.rawInserted.length === checkTail.toString().length; // not ok, try shift if (!(appended && tailDetails.inserted) && this.overwrite === 'shift') { this.state = beforeTailState; consistentTail = checkTail.state; for (let i = 0; i < details.rawInserted.length; ++i) { checkTail.shift(); } tailDetails = this.appendTail(checkTail); appended = tailDetails.rawInserted.length === checkTail.toString().length; } // if ok, rollback state after tail if (appended && tailDetails.inserted) this.state = beforeTailState; } // revert all if something went wrong if (!appended) { details = new ChangeDetails(); this.state = consistentState; if (checkTail && consistentTail) checkTail.state = consistentTail; } } return details; } /** Appends optional placeholder at the end */ _appendPlaceholder() { return new ChangeDetails(); } /** Appends optional eager placeholder at the end */ _appendEager() { return new ChangeDetails(); } /** Appends symbols considering flags */ append(str, flags, tail) { if (!isString(str)) throw new Error('value should be string'); const checkTail = isString(tail) ? new ContinuousTailDetails(String(tail)) : tail; if (flags != null && flags.tail) flags._beforeTailState = this.state; let details; [str, details] = this.doPrepare(str, flags); for (let ci = 0; ci < str.length; ++ci) { const d = this._appendChar(str[ci], flags, checkTail); if (!d.rawInserted && !this.doSkipInvalid(str[ci], flags, checkTail)) break; details.aggregate(d); } if ((this.eager === true || this.eager === 'append') && flags != null && flags.input && str) { details.aggregate(this._appendEager()); } // append tail but aggregate only tailShift if (checkTail != null) { details.tailShift += this.appendTail(checkTail).tailShift; // TODO it's a good idea to clear state after appending ends // but it causes bugs when one append calls another (when dynamic dispatch set rawInputValue) // this._resetBeforeTailState(); } return details; } remove(fromPos, toPos) { if (fromPos === void 0) { fromPos = 0; } if (toPos === void 0) { toPos = this.displayValue.length; } this._value = this.displayValue.slice(0, fromPos) + this.displayValue.slice(toPos); return new ChangeDetails(); } /** Calls function and reapplies current value */ withValueRefresh(fn) { if (this._refreshing || !this._initialized) return fn(); this._refreshing = true; const rawInput = this.rawInputValue; const value = this.value; const ret = fn(); this.rawInputValue = rawInput; // append lost trailing chars at the end if (this.value && this.value !== value && value.indexOf(this.value) === 0) { this.append(value.slice(this.displayValue.length), {}, ''); this.doCommit(); } delete this._refreshing; return ret; } runIsolated(fn) { if (this._isolated || !this._initialized) return fn(this); this._isolated = true; const state = this.state; const ret = fn(this); this.state = state; delete this._isolated; return ret; } doSkipInvalid(ch, flags, checkTail) { return Boolean(this.skipInvalid); } /** Prepares string before mask processing */ doPrepare(str, flags) { if (flags === void 0) { flags = {}; } return ChangeDetails.normalize(this.prepare ? this.prepare(str, this, flags) : str); } /** Prepares each char before mask processing */ doPrepareChar(str, flags) { if (flags === void 0) { flags = {}; } return ChangeDetails.normalize(this.prepareChar ? this.prepareChar(str, this, flags) : str); } /** Validates if value is acceptable */ doValidate(flags) { return (!this.validate || this.validate(this.value, this, flags)) && (!this.parent || this.parent.doValidate(flags)); } /** Does additional processing at the end of editing */ doCommit() { if (this.commit) this.commit(this.value, this); } splice(start, deleteCount, inserted, removeDirection, flags) { if (inserted === void 0) { inserted = ''; } if (removeDirection === void 0) { removeDirection = DIRECTION.NONE; } if (flags === void 0) { flags = { input: true }; } const tailPos = start + deleteCount; const tail = this.extractTail(tailPos); const eagerRemove = this.eager === true || this.eager === 'remove'; let oldRawValue; if (eagerRemove) { removeDirection = forceDirection(removeDirection); oldRawValue = this.extractInput(0, tailPos, { raw: true }); } let startChangePos = start; const details = new ChangeDetails(); // if it is just deletion without insertion if (removeDirection !== DIRECTION.NONE) { startChangePos = this.nearestInputPos(start, deleteCount > 1 && start !== 0 && !eagerRemove ? DIRECTION.NONE : removeDirection); // adjust tailShift if start was aligned details.tailShift = startChangePos - start; } details.aggregate(this.remove(startChangePos)); if (eagerRemove && removeDirection !== DIRECTION.NONE && oldRawValue === this.rawInputValue) { if (removeDirection === DIRECTION.FORCE_LEFT) { let valLength; while (oldRawValue === this.rawInputValue && (valLength = this.displayValue.length)) { details.aggregate(new ChangeDetails({ tailShift: -1 })).aggregate(this.remove(valLength - 1)); } } else if (removeDirection === DIRECTION.FORCE_RIGHT) { tail.unshift(); } } return details.aggregate(this.append(inserted, flags, tail)); } maskEquals(mask) { return this.mask === mask; } optionsIsChanged(opts) { return !objectIncludes(this, opts); } typedValueEquals(value) { const tval = this.typedValue; return value === tval || Masked.EMPTY_VALUES.includes(value) && Masked.EMPTY_VALUES.includes(tval) || (this.format ? this.format(value, this) === this.format(this.typedValue, this) : false); } pad(flags) { return new ChangeDetails(); } } Masked.DEFAULTS = { skipInvalid: true }; Masked.EMPTY_VALUES = [undefined, null, '']; IMask.Masked = Masked; class ChunksTailDetails { /** */ constructor(chunks, from) { if (chunks === void 0) { chunks = []; } if (from === void 0) { from = 0; } this.chunks = chunks; this.from = from; } toString() { return this.chunks.map(String).join(''); } extend(tailChunk) { if (!String(tailChunk)) return; tailChunk = isString(tailChunk) ? new ContinuousTailDetails(String(tailChunk)) : tailChunk; const lastChunk = this.chunks[this.chunks.length - 1]; const extendLast = lastChunk && ( // if stops are same or tail has no stop lastChunk.stop === tailChunk.stop || tailChunk.stop == null) && // if tail chunk goes just after last chunk tailChunk.from === lastChunk.from + lastChunk.toString().length; if (tailChunk instanceof ContinuousTailDetails) { // check the ability to extend previous chunk if (extendLast) { // extend previous chunk lastChunk.extend(tailChunk.toString()); } else { // append new chunk this.chunks.push(tailChunk); } } else if (tailChunk instanceof ChunksTailDetails) { if (tailChunk.stop == null) { // unwrap floating chunks to parent, keeping `from` pos let firstTailChunk; while (tailChunk.chunks.length && tailChunk.chunks[0].stop == null) { firstTailChunk = tailChunk.chunks.shift(); // not possible to be `undefined` because length was checked above firstTailChunk.from += tailChunk.from; this.extend(firstTailChunk); } } // if tail chunk still has value if (tailChunk.toString()) { // if chunks contains stops, then popup stop to container tailChunk.stop = tailChunk.blockIndex; this.chunks.push(tailChunk); } } } appendTo(masked) { if (!(masked instanceof IMask.MaskedPattern)) { const tail = new ContinuousTailDetails(this.toString()); return tail.appendTo(masked); } const details = new ChangeDetails(); for (let ci = 0; ci < this.chunks.length; ++ci) { const chunk = this.chunks[ci]; const lastBlockIter = masked._mapPosToBlock(masked.displayValue.length); const stop = chunk.stop; let chunkBlock; if (stop != null && ( // if block not found or stop is behind lastBlock !lastBlockIter || lastBlockIter.index <= stop)) { if (chunk instanceof ChunksTailDetails || // for continuous block also check if stop is exist masked._stops.indexOf(stop) >= 0) { details.aggregate(masked._appendPlaceholder(stop)); } chunkBlock = chunk instanceof ChunksTailDetails && masked._blocks[stop]; } if (chunkBlock) { const tailDetails = chunkBlock.appendTail(chunk); details.aggregate(tailDetails); // get not inserted chars const remainChars = chunk.toString().slice(tailDetails.rawInserted.length); if (remainChars) details.aggregate(masked.append(remainChars, { tail: true })); } else { details.aggregate(masked.append(chunk.toString(), { tail: true })); } } return details; } get state() { return { chunks: this.chunks.map(c => c.state), from: this.from, stop: this.stop, blockIndex: this.blockIndex }; } set state(state) { const { chunks, ...props } = state; Object.assign(this, props); this.chunks = chunks.map(cstate => { const chunk = "chunks" in cstate ? new ChunksTailDetails() : new ContinuousTailDetails(); chunk.state = cstate; return chunk; }); } unshift(beforePos) { if (!this.chunks.length || beforePos != null && this.from >= beforePos) return ''; const chunkShiftPos = beforePos != null ? beforePos - this.from : beforePos; let ci = 0; while (ci < this.chunks.length) { const chunk = this.chunks[ci]; const shiftChar = chunk.unshift(chunkShiftPos); if (chunk.toString()) { // chunk still contains value // but not shifted - means no more available chars to shift if (!shiftChar) break; ++ci; } else { // clean if chunk has no value this.chunks.splice(ci, 1); } if (shiftChar) return shiftChar; } return ''; } shift() { if (!this.chunks.length) return ''; let ci = this.chunks.length - 1; while (0 <= ci) { const chunk = this.chunks[ci]; const shiftChar = chunk.shift(); if (chunk.toString()) { // chunk still contains value // but not shifted - means no more available chars to shift if (!shiftChar) break; --ci; } else { // clean if chunk has no value this.chunks.splice(ci, 1); } if (shiftChar) return shiftChar; } return ''; } } class PatternCursor { constructor(masked, pos) { this.masked = masked; this._log = []; const { offset, index } = masked._mapPosToBlock(pos) || (pos < 0 ? // first { index: 0, offset: 0 } : // last { index: this.masked._blocks.length, offset: 0 }); this.offset = offset; this.index = index; this.ok = false; } get block() { return this.masked._blocks[this.index]; } get pos() { return this.masked._blockStartPos(this.index) + this.offset; } get state() { return { index: this.index, offset: this.offset, ok: this.ok }; } set state(s) { Object.assign(this, s); } pushState() { this._log.push(this.state); } popState() { const s = this._log.pop(); if (s) this.state = s; return s; } bindBlock() { if (this.block) return; if (this.index < 0) { this.index = 0; this.offset = 0; } if (this.index >= this.masked._blocks.length) { this.index = this.masked._blocks.length - 1; this.offset = this.block.displayValue.length; // TODO this is stupid type error, `block` depends on index that was changed above } } _pushLeft(fn) { this.pushState(); for (this.bindBlock(); 0 <= this.index; --this.index, this.offset = ((_this$block = this.block) == null ? void 0 : _this$block.displayValue.length) || 0) { var _this$block; if (fn()) return this.ok = true; } return this.ok = false; } _pushRight(fn) { this.pushState(); for (this.bindBlock(); this.index < this.masked._blocks.length; ++this.index, this.offset = 0) { if (fn()) return this.ok = true; } return this.ok = false; } pushLeftBeforeFilled() { return this._pushLeft(() => { if (this.block.isFixed || !this.block.value) return; this.offset = this.block.nearestInputPos(this.offset, DIRECTION.FORCE_LEFT); if (this.offset !== 0) return true; }); } pushLeftBeforeInput() { // cases: // filled input: 00| // optional empty input: 00[]| // nested block: XX<[]>| return this._pushLeft(() => { if (this.block.isFixed) return; this.offset = this.block.nearestInputPos(this.offset, DIRECTION.LEFT); return true; }); } pushLeftBeforeRequired() { return this._pushLeft(() => { if (this.block.isFixed || this.block.isOptional && !this.block.value) return; this.offset = this.block.nearestInputPos(this.offset, DIRECTION.LEFT); return true; }); } pushRightBeforeFilled() { return this._pushRight(() => { if (this.block.isFixed || !this.block.value) return; this.offset = this.block.nearestInputPos(this.offset, DIRECTION.FORCE_RIGHT); if (this.offset !== this.block.value.length) return true; }); } pushRightBeforeInput() { return this._pushRight(() => { if (this.block.isFixed) return; // const o = this.offset; this.offset = this.block.nearestInputPos(this.offset, DIRECTION.NONE); // HACK cases like (STILL DOES NOT WORK FOR NESTED) // aa|X // aaX_ - this will not work // if (o && o === this.offset && this.block instanceof PatternInputDefinition) continue; return true; }); } pushRightBeforeRequired() { return this._pushRight(() => { if (this.block.isFixed || this.block.isOptional && !this.block.value) return; // TODO check |[*]XX_ this.offset = this.block.nearestInputPos(this.offset, DIRECTION.NONE); return true; }); } } class PatternFixedDefinition { /** */ /** */ /** */ /** */ /** */ /** */ constructor(opts) { Object.assign(this, opts); this._value = ''; this.isFixed = true; } get value() { return this._value; } get unmaskedValue() { return this.isUnmasking ? this.value : ''; } get rawInputValue() { return this._isRawInput ? this.value : ''; } get displayValue() { return this.value; } reset() { this._isRawInput = false; this._value = ''; } remove(fromPos, toPos) { if (fromPos === void 0) { fromPos = 0; } if (toPos === void 0) { toPos = this._value.length; } this._value = this._value.slice(0, fromPos) + this._value.slice(toPos); if (!this._value) this._isRawInput = false; return new ChangeDetails(); } nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction) { if (direction === void 0) { direction = DIRECTION.NONE; } const minPos = 0; const maxPos = this._value.length; switch (direction) { case DIRECTION.LEFT: case DIRECTION.FORCE_LEFT: return minPos; case DIRECTION.NONE: case DIRECTION.RIGHT: case DIRECTION.FORCE_RIGHT: default: return maxPos; } } totalInputPositions(fromPos, toPos) { if (fromPos === void 0) { fromPos = 0; } if (toPos === void 0) { toPos = this._value.length; } return this._isRawInput ? toPos - fromPos : 0; } extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags) { if (fromPos === void 0) { fromPos = 0; } if (toPos === void 0) { toPos = this._value.length; } if (flags === void 0) { flags = {}; } return flags.raw && this._isRawInput && this._value.slice(fromPos, toPos) || ''; } get isComplete() { return true; } get isFilled() { return Boolean(this._value); } _appendChar(ch, flags) { if (flags === void 0) { flags = {}; } if (this.isFilled) return new ChangeDetails(); const appendEager = this.eager === true || this.eager === 'append'; const appended = this.char === ch; const isResolved = appended && (this.isUnmasking || flags.input || flags.raw) && (!flags.raw || !appendEager) && !flags.tail; const details = new ChangeDetails({ inserted: this.char, rawInserted: isResolved ? this.char : '' }); this._value = this.char; this._isRawInput = isResolved && (flags.raw || flags.input); return details; } _appendEager() { return this._appendChar(this.char, { tail: true }); } _appendPlaceholder() { const details = new ChangeDetails(); if (this.isFilled) return details; this._value = details.inserted = this.char; return details; } extractTail() { return new ContinuousTailDetails(''); } appendTail(tail) { if (isString(tail)) tail = new ContinuousTailDetails(String(tail)); return tail.appendTo(this); } append(str, flags, tail) { const details = this._appendChar(str[0], flags); if (tail != null) { details.tailShift += this.appendTail(tail).tailShift; } return details; } doCommit() {} get state() { return { _value: this._value, _rawInputValue: this.rawInputValue }; } set state(state) { this._value = state._value; this._isRawInput = Boolean(state._rawInputValue); } pad(flags) { return this._appendPlaceholder(); } } class PatternInputDefinition { /** */ /** */ /** */ /** */ /** */ /** */ /** */ /** */ constructor(opts) { const { parent, isOptional, placeholderChar, displayChar, lazy, eager, ...maskOpts } = opts; this.masked = createMask(maskOpts); Object.assign(this, { parent, isOptional, placeholderChar, displayChar, lazy, eager }); } reset() { this.isFilled = false; this.masked.reset(); } remove(fromPos, toPos) { if (fromPos === void 0) { fromPos = 0; } if (toPos === void 0) { toPos = this.value.length; } if (fromPos === 0 && toPos >= 1) { this.isFilled = false; return this.masked.remove(fromPos, toPos); } return new ChangeDetails(); } get value() { return this.masked.value || (this.isFilled && !this.isOptional ? this.placeholderChar : ''); } get unmaskedValue() { return this.masked.unmaskedValue; } get rawInputValue() { return this.masked.rawInputValue; } get displayValue() { return this.masked.value && this.displayChar || this.value; } get isComplete() { return Boolean(this.masked.value) || this.isOptional; } _appendChar(ch, flags) { if (flags === void 0) { flags = {}; } if (this.isFilled) return new ChangeDetails(); const state = this.masked.state; // simulate input let details = this.masked._appendChar(ch, this.currentMaskFlags(flags)); if (details.inserted && this.doValidate(flags) === false) { details = new ChangeDetails(); this.masked.state = state; } if (!details.inserted && !this.isOptional && !this.lazy && !flags.input) { details.inserted = this.placeholderChar; } details.skip = !details.inserted && !this.isOptional; this.isFilled = Boolean(details.inserted); return details; } append(str, flags, tail) { // TODO probably should be done via _appendChar return this.masked.append(str, this.currentMaskFlags(flags), tail); } _appendPlaceholder() { if (this.isFilled || this.isOptional) return new ChangeDetails(); this.isFilled = true; return new ChangeDetails({ inserted: this.placeholderChar }); } _appendEager() { return new ChangeDetails(); } extractTail(fromPos, toPos) { return this.masked.extractTail(fromPos, toPos); } appendTail(tail) { return this.masked.appendTail(tail); } extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags) { if (fromPos === void 0) { fromPos = 0; } if (toPos === void 0) { toPos = this.value.length; } return this.masked.extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags); } nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction) { if (direction === void 0) { direction = DIRECTION.NONE; } const minPos = 0; const maxPos = this.value.length; const boundPos = Math.min(Math.max(cursorPos, minPos), maxPos); switch (direction) { case DIRECTION.LEFT: case DIRECTION.FORCE_LEFT: return this.isComplete ? boundPos : minPos; case DIRECTION.RIGHT: case DIRECTION.FORCE_RIGHT: return this.isComplete ? boundPos : maxPos; case DIRECTION.NONE: default: return boundPos; } } totalInputPositions(fromPos, toPos) { if (fromPos === void 0) { fromPos = 0; } if (toPos === void 0) { toPos = this.value.length; } return this.value.slice(fromPos, toPos).length; } doValidate(flags) { return this.masked.doValidate(this.currentMaskFlags(flags)) && (!this.parent || this.parent.doValidate(this.currentMaskFlags(flags))); } doCommit() { this.masked.doCommit(); } get state() { return { _value: this.value, _rawInputValue: this.rawInputValue, masked: this.masked.state, isFilled: this.isFilled }; } set state(state) { this.masked.state = state.masked; this.isFilled = state.isFilled; } currentMaskFlags(flags) { var _flags$_beforeTailSta; return { ...flags, _beforeTailState: (flags == null || (_flags$_beforeTailSta = flags._beforeTailState) == null ? void 0 : _flags$_beforeTailSta.masked) || (flags == null ? void 0 : flags._beforeTailState) }; } pad(flags) { return new ChangeDetails(); } } PatternInputDefinition.DEFAULT_DEFINITIONS = { '0': /\d/, 'a': /[\u0041-\u005A\u0061-\u007A\u00AA\u00B5\u00BA\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02C1\u02C6-\u02D1\u02E0-\u02E4\u02EC\u02EE\u0370-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037A-\u037D\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03F5\u03F7-\u0481\u048A-\u0527\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0587\u05D0-\u05EA\u05F0-\u05F2\u0620-\u064A\u066E\u066F\u0671-\u06D3\u06D5\u06E5\u06E6\u06EE\u06EF\u06FA-\u06FC\u06FF\u0710\u0712-\u072F\u074D-\u07A5\u07B1\u07CA-\u07EA\u07F4\u07F5\u07FA\u0800-\u0815\u081A\u0824\u0828\u0840-\u0858\u08A0\u08A2-\u08AC\u0904-\u0939\u093D\u0950\u0958-\u0961\u0971-\u0977\u0979-\u097F\u0985-\u098C\u098F\u0990\u0993-\u09A8\u09AA-\u09B0\u09B2\u09B6-\u09B9\u09BD\u09CE\u09DC\u09DD\u09DF-\u09E1\u09F0\u09F1\u0A05-\u0A0A\u0A0F\u0A10\u0A13-\u0A28\u0A2A-\u0A30\u0A32\u0A33\u0A35\u0A36\u0A38\u0A39\u0A59-\u0A5C\u0A5E\u0A72-\u0A74\u0A85-\u0A8D\u0A8F-\u0A91\u0A93-\u0AA8\u0AAA-\u0AB0\u0AB2\u0AB3\u0AB5-\u0AB9\u0ABD\u0AD0\u0AE0\u0AE1\u0B05-\u0B0C\u0B0F\u0B10\u0B13-\u0B28\u0B2A-\u0B30\u0B32\u0B33\u0B35-\u0B39\u0B3D\u0B5C\u0B5D\u0B5F-\u0B61\u0B71\u0B83\u0B85-\u0B8A\u0B8E-\u0B90\u0B92-\u0B95\u0B99\u0B9A\u0B9C\u0B9E\u0B9F\u0BA3\u0BA4\u0BA8-\u0BAA\u0BAE-\u0BB9\u0BD0\u0C05-\u0C0C\u0C0E-\u0C10\u0C12-\u0C28\u0C2A-\u0C33\u0C35-\u0C39\u0C3D\u0C58\u0C59\u0C60\u0C61\u0C85-\u0C8C\u0C8E-\u0C90\u0C92-\u0CA8\u0CAA-\u0CB3\u0CB5-\u0CB9\u0CBD\u0CDE\u0CE0\u0CE1\u0CF1\u0CF2\u0D05-\u0D0C\u0D0E-\u0D10\u0D12-\u0D3A\u0D3D\u0D4E\u0D60\u0D61\u0D7A-\u0D7F\u0D85-\u0D96\u0D9A-\u0DB1\u0DB3-\u0DBB\u0DBD\u0DC0-\u0DC6\u0E01-\u0E30\u0E32\u0E33\u0E40-\u0E46\u0E81\u0E82\u0E84\u0E87\u0E88\u0E8A\u0E8D\u0E94-\u0E97\u0E99-\u0E9F\u0EA1-\u0EA3\u0EA5\u0EA7\u0EAA\u0EAB\u0EAD-\u0EB0\u0EB2\u0EB3\u0EBD\u0EC0-\u0EC4\u0EC6\u0EDC-\u0EDF\u0F00\u0F40-\u0F47\u0F49-\u0F6C\u0F88-\u0F8C\u1000-\u102A\u103F\u1050-\u1055\u105A-\u105D\u1061\u1065\u1066\u106E-\u1070\u1075-\u1081\u108E\u10A0-\u10C5\u10C7\u10CD\u10D0-\u10FA\u10FC-\u1248\u124A-\u124D\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125A-\u125D\u1260-\u1288\u128A-\u128D\u1290-\u12B0\u12B2-\u12B5\u12B8-\u12BE\u12C0\u12C2-\u12C5\u12C8-\u12D6\u12D8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135A\u1380-\u138F\u13A0-\u13F4\u1401-\u166C\u166F-\u167F\u1681-\u169A\u16A0-\u16EA\u1700-\u170C\u170E-\u1711\u1720-\u1731\u1740-\u1751\u1760-\u176C\u176E-\u1770\u1780-\u17B3\u17D7\u17DC\u1820-\u1877\u1880-\u18A8\u18AA\u18B0-\u18F5\u1900-\u191C\u1950-\u196D\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19AB\u19C1-\u19C7\u1A00-\u1A16\u1A20-\u1A54\u1AA7\u1B05-\u1B33\u1B45-\u1B4B\u1B83-\u1BA0\u1BAE\u1BAF\u1BBA-\u1BE5\u1C00-\u1C23\u1C4D-\u1C4F\u1C5A-\u1C7D\u1CE9-\u1CEC\u1CEE-\u1CF1\u1CF5\u1CF6\u1D00-\u1DBF\u1E00-\u1F15\u1F18-\u1F1D\u1F20-\u1F45\u1F48-\u1F4D\u1F50-\u1F57\u1F59\u1F5B\u1F5D\u1F5F-\u1F7D\u1F80-\u1FB4\u1FB6-\u1FBC\u1FBE\u1FC2-\u1FC4\u1FC6-\u1FCC\u1FD0-\u1FD3\u1FD6-\u1FDB\u1FE0-\u1FEC\u1FF2-\u1FF4\u1FF6-\u1FFC\u2071\u207F\u2090-\u209C\u2102\u2107\u210A-\u2113\u2115\u2119-\u211D\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212A-\u212D\u212F-\u2139\u213C-\u213F\u2145-\u2149\u214E\u2183\u2184\u2C00-\u2C2E\u2C30-\u2C5E\u2C60-\u2CE4\u2CEB-\u2CEE\u2CF2\u2CF3\u2D00-\u2D25\u2D27\u2D2D\u2D30-\u2D67\u2D6F\u2D80-\u2D96\u2DA0-\u2DA6\u2DA8-\u2DAE\u2DB0-\u2DB6\u2DB8-\u2DBE\u2DC0-\u2DC6\u2DC8-\u2DCE\u2DD0-\u2DD6\u2DD8-\u2DDE\u2E2F\u3005\u3006\u3031-\u3035\u303B\u303C\u3041-\u3096\u309D-\u309F\u30A1-\u30FA\u30FC-\u30FF\u3105-\u312D\u3131-\u318E\u31A0-\u31BA\u31F0-\u31FF\u3400-\u4DB5\u4E00-\u9FCC\uA000-\uA48C\uA4D0-\uA4FD\uA500-\uA60C\uA610-\uA61F\uA62A\uA62B\uA640-\uA66E\uA67F-\uA697\uA6A0-\uA6E5\uA717-\uA71F\uA722-\uA788\uA78B-\uA78E\uA790-\uA793\uA7A0-\uA7AA\uA7F8-\uA801\uA803-\uA805\uA807-\uA80A\uA80C-\uA822\uA840-\uA873\uA882-\uA8B3\uA8F2-\uA8F7\uA8FB\uA90A-\uA925\uA930-\uA946\uA960-\uA97C\uA984-\uA9B2\uA9CF\uAA00-\uAA28\uAA40-\uAA42\uAA44-\uAA4B\uAA60-\uAA76\uAA7A\uAA80-\uAAAF\uAAB1\uAAB5\uAAB6\uAAB9-\uAABD\uAAC0\uAAC2\uAADB-\uAADD\uAAE0-\uAAEA\uAAF2-\uAAF4\uAB01-\uAB06\uAB09-\uAB0E\uAB11-\uAB16\uAB20-\uAB26\uAB28-\uAB2E\uABC0-\uABE2\uAC00-\uD7A3\uD7B0-\uD7C6\uD7CB-\uD7FB\uF900-\uFA6D\uFA70-\uFAD9\uFB00-\uFB06\uFB13-\uFB17\uFB1D\uFB1F-\uFB28\uFB2A-\uFB36\uFB38-\uFB3C\uFB3E\uFB40\uFB41\uFB43\uFB44\uFB46-\uFBB1\uFBD3-\uFD3D\uFD50-\uFD8F\uFD92-\uFDC7\uFDF0-\uFDFB\uFE70-\uFE74\uFE76-\uFEFC\uFF21-\uFF3A\uFF41-\uFF5A\uFF66-\uFFBE\uFFC2-\uFFC7\uFFCA-\uFFCF\uFFD2-\uFFD7\uFFDA-\uFFDC]/, // http://stackoverflow.com/a/22075070 '*': /./ }; /** Masking by RegExp */ class MaskedRegExp extends Masked { /** */ /** Enable characters overwriting */ /** */ /** */ /** */ updateOptions(opts) { super.updateOptions(opts); } _update(opts) { const mask = opts.mask; if (mask) opts.validate = value => value.search(mask) >= 0; super._update(opts); } } IMask.MaskedRegExp = MaskedRegExp; /** Pattern mask */ class MaskedPattern extends Masked { /** */ /** */ /** Single char for empty input */ /** Single char for filled input */ /** Show placeholder only when needed */ /** Enable characters overwriting */ /** */ /** */ /** */ constructor(opts) { super({ ...MaskedPattern.DEFAULTS, ...opts, definitions: Object.assign({}, PatternInputDefinition.DEFAULT_DEFINITIONS, opts == null ? void 0 : opts.definitions) }); } updateOptions(opts) { super.updateOptions(opts); } _update(opts) { opts.definitions = Object.assign({}, this.definitions, opts.definitions); super._update(opts); this._rebuildMask(); } _rebuildMask() { const defs = this.definitions; this._blocks = []; this.exposeBlock = undefined; this._stops = []; this._maskedBlocks = {}; const pattern = this.mask; if (!pattern || !defs) return; let unmaskingBlock = false; let optionalBlock = false; for (let i = 0; i < pattern.length; ++i) { if (this.blocks) { const p = pattern.slice(i); const bNames = Object.keys(this.blocks).filter(bName => p.indexOf(bName) === 0); // order by key length bNames.sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length); // use block name with max length const bName = bNames[0]; if (bName) { const { expose, repeat, ...bOpts } = normalizeOpts(this.blocks[bName]); // TODO type Opts const blockOpts = { lazy: this.lazy, eager: this.eager, placeholderChar: this.placeholderChar, displayChar: this.displayChar, overwrite: this.overwrite, autofix: this.autofix, ...bOpts, repeat, parent: this }; const maskedBlock = repeat != null ? new IMask.RepeatBlock(blockOpts /* TODO */) : createMask(blockOpts); if (maskedBlock) { this._blocks.push(maskedBlock); if (expose) this.exposeBlock = maskedBlock; // store block index if (!this._maskedBlocks[bName]) this._maskedBlocks[bName] = []; this._maskedBlocks[bName].push(this._blocks.length - 1); } i += bName.length - 1; continue; } } let char = pattern[i]; let isInput = (char in defs); if (char === MaskedPattern.STOP_CHAR) { this._stops.push(this._blocks.length); continue; } if (char === '{' || char === '}') { unmaskingBlock = !unmaskingBlock; continue; } if (char === '[' || char === ']') { optionalBlock = !optionalBlock; continue; } if (char === MaskedPattern.ESCAPE_CHAR) { ++i; char = pattern[i]; if (!char) break; isInput = false; } const def = isInput ? new PatternInputDefinition({ isOptional: optionalBlock, lazy: this.lazy, eager: this.eager, placeholderChar: this.placeholderChar, displayChar: this.displayChar, ...normalizeOpts(defs[char]), parent: this }) : new PatternFixedDefinition({ char, eager: this.eager, isUnmasking: unmaskingBlock }); this._blocks.push(def); } } get state() { return { ...super.state, _blocks: this._blocks.map(b => b.state) }; } set state(state) { if (!state) { this.reset(); return; } const { _blocks, ...maskedState } = state; this._blocks.forEach((b, bi) => b.state = _blocks[bi]); super.state = maskedState; } reset() { super.reset(); this._blocks.forEach(b => b.reset()); } get isComplete() { return this.exposeBlock ? this.exposeBlock.isComplete : this._blocks.every(b => b.isComplete); } get isFilled() { return this._blocks.every(b => b.isFilled); } get isFixed() { return this._blocks.every(b => b.isFixed); } get isOptional() { return this._blocks.every(b => b.isOptional); } doCommit() { this._blocks.forEach(b => b.doCommit()); super.doCommit(); } get unmaskedValue() { return this.exposeBlock ? this.exposeBlock.unmaskedValue : this._blocks.reduce((str, b) => str += b.unmaskedValue, ''); } set unmaskedValue(unmaskedValue) { if (this.exposeBlock) { const tail = this.extractTail(this._blockStartPos(this._blocks.indexOf(this.exposeBlock)) + this.exposeBlock.displayValue.length); this.exposeBlock.unmaskedValue = unmaskedValue; this.appendTail(tail); this.doCommit(); } else super.unmaskedValue = unmaskedValue; } get value() { return this.exposeBlock ? this.exposeBlock.value : // TODO return _value when not in change? this._blocks.reduce((str, b) => str += b.value, ''); } set value(value) { if (this.exposeBlock) { const tail = this.extractTail(this._blockStartPos(this._blocks.indexOf(this.exposeBlock)) + this.exposeBlock.displayValue.length); this.exposeBlock.value = value; this.appendTail(tail); this.doCommit(); } else super.value = value; } get typedValue() { return this.exposeBlock ? this.exposeBlock.typedValue : super.typedValue; } set typedValue(value) { if (this.exposeBlock) { const tail = this.extractTail(this._blockStartPos(this._blocks.indexOf(this.exposeBlock)) + this.exposeBlock.displayValue.length); this.exposeBlock.typedValue = value; this.appendTail(tail); this.doCommit(); } else super.typedValue = value; } get displayValue() { return this._blocks.reduce((str, b) => str += b.displayValue, ''); } appendTail(tail) { return super.appendTail(tail).aggregate(this._appendPlaceholder()); } _appendEager() { var _this$_mapPosToBlock; const details = new ChangeDetails(); let startBlockIndex = (_this$_mapPosToBlock = this._mapPosToBlock(this.displayValue.length)) == null ? void 0 : _this$_mapPosToBlock.index; if (startBlockIndex == null) return details; // TODO test if it works for nested pattern masks if (this._blocks[startBlockIndex].isFilled) ++startBlockIndex; for (let bi = startBlockIndex; bi < this._blocks.length; ++bi) { const d = this._blocks[bi]._appendEager(); if (!d.inserted) break; details.aggregate(d); } return details; } _appendCharRaw(ch, flags) { if (flags === void 0) { flags = {}; } const blockIter = this._mapPosToBlock(this.displayValue.length); const details = new ChangeDetails(); if (!blockIter) return details; for (let bi = blockIter.index, block; block = this._blocks[bi]; ++bi) { var _flags$_beforeTailSta; const blockDetails = block._appendChar(ch, { ...flags, _beforeTailState: (_flags$_beforeTailSta = flags._beforeTailState) == null || (_flags$_beforeTailSta = _flags$_beforeTailSta._blocks) == null ? void 0 : _flags$_beforeTailSta[bi] }); details.aggregate(blockDetails); if (blockDetails.consumed) break; // go next char } return details; } extractTail(fromPos, toPos) { if (fromPos === void 0) { fromPos = 0; } if (toPos === void 0) { toPos = this.displayValue.length; } const chunkTail = new ChunksTailDetails(); if (fromPos === toPos) return chunkTail; this._forEachBlocksInRange(fromPos, toPos, (b, bi, bFromPos, bToPos) => { const blockChunk = b.extractTail(bFromPos, bToPos); blockChunk.stop = this._findStopBefore(bi); blockChunk.from = this._blockStartPos(bi); if (blockChunk instanceof ChunksTailDetails) blockChunk.blockIndex = bi; chunkTail.extend(blockChunk); }); return chunkTail; } extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags) { if (fromPos === void 0) { fromPos = 0; } if (toPos === void 0) { toPos = this.displayValue.length; } if (flags === void 0) { flags = {}; } if (fromPos === toPos) return ''; let input = ''; this._forEachBlocksInRange(fromPos, toPos, (b, _, fromPos, toPos) => { input += b.extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags); }); return input; } _findStopBefore(blockIndex) { let stopBefore; for (let si = 0; si < this._stops.length; ++si) { const stop = this._stops[si]; if (stop <= blockIndex) stopBefore = stop;else break; } return stopBefore; } /** Appends placeholder depending on laziness */ _appendPlaceholder(toBlockIndex) { const details = new ChangeDetails(); if (this.lazy && toBlockIndex == null) return details; const startBlockIter = this._mapPosToBlock(this.displayValue.length); if (!startBlockIter) return details; const startBlockIndex = startBlockIter.index; const endBlockIndex = toBlockIndex != null ? toBlockIndex : this._blocks.length; this._blocks.slice(startBlockIndex, endBlockIndex).forEach(b => { if (!b.lazy || toBlockIndex != null) { var _blocks2; details.aggregate(b._appendPlaceholder((_blocks2 = b._blocks) == null ? void 0 : _blocks2.length)); } }); return details; } /** Finds block in pos */ _mapPosToBlock(pos) { let accVal = ''; for (let bi = 0; bi < this._blocks.length; ++bi) { const block = this._blocks[bi]; const blockStartPos = accVal.length; accVal += block.displayValue; if (pos <= accVal.length) { return { index: bi, offset: pos - blockStartPos }; } } } _blockStartPos(blockIndex) { return this._blocks.slice(0, blockIndex).reduce((pos, b) => pos += b.displayValue.length, 0); } _forEachBlocksInRange(fromPos, toPos, fn) { if (toPos === void 0) { toPos = this.displayValue.length; } const fromBlockIter = this._mapPosToBlock(fromPos); if (fromBlockIter) { const toBlockIter = this._mapPosToBlock(toPos); // process first block const isSameBlock = toBlockIter && fromBlockIter.index === toBlockIter.index; const fromBlockStartPos = fromBlockIter.offset; const fromBlockEndPos = toBlockIter && isSameBlock ? toBlockIter.offset : this._blocks[fromBlockIter.index].displayValue.length; fn(this._blocks[fromBlockIter.index], fromBlockIter.index, fromBlockStartPos, fromBlockEndPos); if (toBlockIter && !isSameBlock) { // process intermediate blocks for (let bi = fromBlockIter.index + 1; bi < toBlockIter.index; ++bi) { fn(this._blocks[bi], bi, 0, this._blocks[bi].displayValue.length); } // process last block fn(this._blocks[toBlockIter.index], toBlockIter.index, 0, toBlockIter.offset); } } } remove(fromPos, toPos) { if (fromPos === void 0) { fromPos = 0; } if (toPos === void 0) { toPos = this.displayValue.length; } const removeDetails = super.remove(fromPos, toPos); this._forEachBlocksInRange(fromPos, toPos, (b, _, bFromPos, bToPos) => { removeDetails.aggregate(b.remove(bFromPos, bToPos)); }); return removeDetails; } nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction) { if (direction === void 0) { direction = DIRECTION.NONE; } if (!this._blocks.length) return 0; const cursor = new PatternCursor(this, cursorPos); if (direction === DIRECTION.NONE) { // ------------------------------------------------- // NONE should only go out from fixed to the right! // ------------------------------------------------- if (cursor.pushRightBeforeInput()) return cursor.pos; cursor.popState(); if (cursor.pushLeftBeforeInput()) return cursor.pos; return this.displayValue.length; } // FORCE is only about a|* otherwise is 0 if (direction === DIRECTION.LEFT || direction === DIRECTION.FORCE_LEFT) { // try to break fast when *|a if (direction === DIRECTION.LEFT) { cursor.pushRightBeforeFilled(); if (cursor.ok && cursor.pos === cursorPos) return cursorPos; cursor.popState(); } // forward flow cursor.pushLeftBeforeInput(); cursor.pushLeftBeforeRequired(); cursor.pushLeftBeforeFilled(); // backward flow if (direction === DIRECTION.LEFT) { cursor.pushRightBeforeInput(); cursor.pushRightBeforeRequired(); if (cursor.ok && cursor.pos <= cursorPos) return cursor.pos; cursor.popState(); if (cursor.ok && cursor.pos <= cursorPos) return cursor.pos; cursor.popState(); } if (cursor.ok) return cursor.pos; if (direction === DIRECTION.FORCE_LEFT) return 0; cursor.popState(); if (cursor.ok) return cursor.pos; cursor.popState(); if (cursor.ok) return cursor.pos; return 0; } if (direction === DIRECTION.RIGHT || direction === DIRECTION.FORCE_RIGHT) { // forward flow cursor.pushRightBeforeInput(); cursor.pushRightBeforeRequired(); if (cursor.pushRightBeforeFilled()) return cursor.pos; if (direction === DIRECTION.FORCE_RIGHT) return this.displayValue.length; // backward flow cursor.popState(); if (cursor.ok) return cursor.pos; cursor.popState(); if (cursor.ok) return cursor.pos; return this.nearestInputPos(cursorPos, DIRECTION.LEFT); } return cursorPos; } totalInputPositions(fromPos, toPos) { if (fromPos === void 0) { fromPos = 0; } if (toPos === void 0) { toPos = this.displayValue.length; } let total = 0; this._forEachBlocksInRange(fromPos, toPos, (b, _, bFromPos, bToPos) => { total += b.totalInputPositions(bFromPos, bToPos); }); return total; } /** Get block by name */ maskedBlock(name) { return this.maskedBlocks(name)[0]; } /** Get all blocks by name */ maskedBlocks(name) { const indices = this._maskedBlocks[name]; if (!indices) return []; return indices.map(gi => this._blocks[gi]); } pad(flags) { const details = new ChangeDetails(); this._forEachBlocksInRange(0, this.displayValue.length, b => details.aggregate(b.pad(flags))); return details; } } MaskedPattern.DEFAULTS = { ...Masked.DEFAULTS, lazy: true, placeholderChar: '_' }; MaskedPattern.STOP_CHAR = '`'; MaskedPattern.ESCAPE_CHAR = '\\'; MaskedPattern.InputDefinition = PatternInputDefinition; MaskedPattern.FixedDefinition = PatternFixedDefinition; IMask.MaskedPattern = MaskedPattern; /** Pattern which accepts ranges */ class MaskedRange extends MaskedPattern { /** Optionally sets max length of pattern. Used when pattern length is longer then `to` param length. Pads zeros at start in this case. */ /** Min bound */ /** Max bound */ get _matchFrom() { return this.maxLength - String(this.from).length; } constructor(opts) { super(opts); // mask will be created in _update } updateOptions(opts) { super.updateOptions(opts); } _update(opts) { const { to = this.to || 0, from = this.from || 0, maxLength = this.maxLength || 0, autofix = this.autofix, ...patternOpts } = opts; this.to = to; this.from = from; this.maxLength = Math.max(String(to).length, maxLength); this.autofix = autofix; const fromStr = String(this.from).padStart(this.maxLength, '0'); const toStr = String(this.to).padStart(this.maxLength, '0'); let sameCharsCount = 0; while (sameCharsCount < toStr.length && toStr[sameCharsCount] === fromStr[sameCharsCount]) ++sameCharsCount; patternOpts.mask = toStr.slice(0, sameCharsCount).replace(/0/g, '\\0') + '0'.repeat(this.maxLength - sameCharsCount); super._update(patternOpts); } get isComplete() { return super.isComplete && Boolean(this.value); } boundaries(str) { let minstr = ''; let maxstr = ''; const [, placeholder, num] = str.match(/^(\D*)(\d*)(\D*)/) || []; if (num) { minstr = '0'.repeat(placeholder.length) + num; maxstr = '9'.repeat(placeholder.length) + num; } minstr = minstr.padEnd(this.maxLength, '0'); maxstr = maxstr.padEnd(this.maxLength, '9'); return [minstr, maxstr]; } doPrepareChar(ch, flags) { if (flags === void 0) { flags = {}; } let details; [ch, details] = super.doPrepareChar(ch.replace(/\D/g, ''), flags); if (!ch) details.skip = !this.isComplete; return [ch, details]; } _appendCharRaw(ch, flags) { if (flags === void 0) { flags = {}; } if (!this.autofix || this.value.length + 1 > this.maxLength) return super._appendCharRaw(ch, flags); const fromStr = String(this.from).padStart(this.maxLength, '0'); const toStr = String(this.to).padStart(this.maxLength, '0'); const [minstr, maxstr] = this.boundaries(this.value + ch); if (Number(maxstr) < this.from) return super._appendCharRaw(fromStr[this.value.length], flags); if (Number(minstr) > this.to) { if (!flags.tail && this.autofix === 'pad' && this.value.length + 1 < this.maxLength) { return super._appendCharRaw(fromStr[this.value.length], flags).aggregate(this._appendCharRaw(ch, flags)); } return super._appendCharRaw(toStr[this.value.length], flags); } return super._appendCharRaw(ch, flags); } doValidate(flags) { const str = this.value; const firstNonZero = str.search(/[^0]/); if (firstNonZero === -1 && str.length <= this._matchFrom) return true; const [minstr, maxstr] = this.boundaries(str); return this.from <= Number(maxstr) && Number(minstr) <= this.to && super.doValidate(flags); } pad(flags) { const details = new ChangeDetails(); if (this.value.length === this.maxLength) return details; const value = this.value; const padLength = this.maxLength - this.value.length; if (padLength) { this.reset(); for (let i = 0; i < padLength; ++i) { details.aggregate(super._appendCharRaw('0', flags)); } // append tail value.split('').forEach(ch => this._appendCharRaw(ch)); } return details; } } IMask.MaskedRange = MaskedRange; /** Date mask */ class MaskedDate extends MaskedPattern { static extractPatternOptions(opts) { const { mask, pattern, ...patternOpts } = opts; return { ...patternOpts, mask: isString(mask) ? mask : pattern }; } /** Pattern mask for date according to {@link MaskedDate#format} */ /** Start date */ /** End date */ /** Format typed value to string */ /** Parse string to get typed value */ constructor(opts) { super(MaskedDate.extractPatternOptions({ ...MaskedDate.DEFAULTS, ...opts })); } updateOptions(opts) { super.updateOptions(opts); } _update(opts) { const { mask, pattern, blocks, ...patternOpts } = { ...MaskedDate.DEFAULTS, ...opts }; const patternBlocks = Object.assign({}, MaskedDate.GET_DEFAULT_BLOCKS()); // adjust year block if (opts.min) patternBlocks.Y.from = opts.min.getFullYear(); if (opts.max) patternBlocks.Y.to = opts.max.getFullYear(); if (opts.min && opts.max && patternBlocks.Y.from === patternBlocks.Y.to) { patternBlocks.m.from = opts.min.getMonth() + 1; patternBlocks.m.to = opts.max.getMonth() + 1; if (patternBlocks.m.from === patternBlocks.m.to) { patternBlocks.d.from = opts.min.getDate(); patternBlocks.d.to = opts.max.getDate(); } } Object.assign(patternBlocks, this.blocks, blocks); super._update({ ...patternOpts, mask: isString(mask) ? mask : pattern, blocks: patternBlocks }); } doValidate(flags) { const date = this.date; return super.doValidate(flags) && (!this.isComplete || this.isDateExist(this.value) && date != null && (this.min == null || this.min <= date) && (this.max == null || date <= this.max)); } /** Checks if date is exists */ isDateExist(str) { return this.format(this.parse(str, this), this).indexOf(str) >= 0; } /** Parsed Date */ get date() { return this.typedValue; } set date(date) { this.typedValue = date; } get typedValue() { return this.isComplete ? super.typedValue : null; } set typedValue(value) { super.typedValue = value; } maskEquals(mask) { return mask === Date || super.maskEquals(mask); } optionsIsChanged(opts) { return super.optionsIsChanged(MaskedDate.extractPatternOptions(opts)); } } MaskedDate.GET_DEFAULT_BLOCKS = () => ({ d: { mask: MaskedRange, from: 1, to: 31, maxLength: 2 }, m: { mask: MaskedRange, from: 1, to: 12, maxLength: 2 }, Y: { mask: MaskedRange, from: 1900, to: 9999 } }); MaskedDate.DEFAULTS = { ...MaskedPattern.DEFAULTS, mask: Date, pattern: 'd{.}`m{.}`Y', format: (date, masked) => { if (!date) return ''; const day = String(date.getDate()).padStart(2, '0'); const month = String(date.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); const year = date.getFullYear(); return [day, month, year].join('.'); }, parse: (str, masked) => { const [day, month, year] = str.split('.').map(Number); return new Date(year, month - 1, day); } }; IMask.MaskedDate = MaskedDate; /** Dynamic mask for choosing appropriate mask in run-time */ class MaskedDynamic extends Masked { constructor(opts) { super({ ...MaskedDynamic.DEFAULTS, ...opts }); this.currentMask = undefined; } updateOptions(opts) { super.updateOptions(opts); } _update(opts) { super._update(opts); if ('mask' in opts) { this.exposeMask = undefined; // mask could be totally dynamic with only `dispatch` option this.compiledMasks = Array.isArray(opts.mask) ? opts.mask.map(m => { const { expose, ...maskOpts } = normalizeOpts(m); const masked = createMask({ overwrite: this._overwrite, eager: this._eager, skipInvalid: this._skipInvalid, ...maskOpts }); if (expose) this.exposeMask = masked; return masked; }) : []; // this.currentMask = this.doDispatch(''); // probably not needed but lets see } } _appendCharRaw(ch, flags) { if (flags === void 0) { flags = {}; } const details = this._applyDispatch(ch, flags); if (this.currentMask) { details.aggregate(this.currentMask._appendChar(ch, this.currentMaskFlags(flags))); } return details; } _applyDispatch(appended, flags, tail) { if (appended === void 0) { appended = ''; } if (flags === void 0) { flags = {}; } if (tail === void 0) { tail = ''; } const prevValueBeforeTail = flags.tail && flags._beforeTailState != null ? flags._beforeTailState._value : this.value; const inputValue = this.rawInputValue; const insertValue = flags.tail && flags._beforeTailState != null ? flags._beforeTailState._rawInputValue : inputValue; const tailValue = inputValue.slice(insertValue.length); const prevMask = this.currentMask; const details = new ChangeDetails(); const prevMaskState = prevMask == null ? void 0 : prevMask.state; // clone flags to prevent overwriting `_beforeTailState` this.currentMask = this.doDispatch(appended, { ...flags }, tail); // restore state after dispatch if (this.currentMask) { if (this.currentMask !== prevMask) { // if mask changed reapply input this.currentMask.reset(); if (insertValue) { this.currentMask.append(insertValue, { raw: true }); details.tailShift = this.currentMask.value.length - prevValueBeforeTail.length; } if (tailValue) { details.tailShift += this.currentMask.append(tailValue, { raw: true, tail: true }).tailShift; } } else if (prevMaskState) { // Dispatch can do something bad with state, so // restore prev mask state this.currentMask.state = prevMaskState; } } return details; } _appendPlaceholder() { const details = this._applyDispatch(); if (this.currentMask) { details.aggregate(this.currentMask._appendPlaceholder()); } return details; } _appendEager() { const details = this._applyDispatch(); if (this.currentMask) { details.aggregate(this.currentMask._appendEager()); } return details; } appendTail(tail) { const details = new ChangeDetails(); if (tail) details.aggregate(this._applyDispatch('', {}, tail)); return details.aggregate(this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.appendTail(tail) : super.appendTail(tail)); } currentMaskFlags(flags) { var _flags$_beforeTailSta, _flags$_beforeTailSta2; return { ...flags, _beforeTailState: ((_flags$_beforeTailSta = flags._beforeTailState) == null ? void 0 : _flags$_beforeTailSta.currentMaskRef) === this.currentMask && ((_flags$_beforeTailSta2 = flags._beforeTailState) == null ? void 0 : _flags$_beforeTailSta2.currentMask) || flags._beforeTailState }; } doDispatch(appended, flags, tail) { if (flags === void 0) { flags = {}; } if (tail === void 0) { tail = ''; } return this.dispatch(appended, this, flags, tail); } doValidate(flags) { return super.doValidate(flags) && (!this.currentMask || this.currentMask.doValidate(this.currentMaskFlags(flags))); } doPrepare(str, flags) { if (flags === void 0) { flags = {}; } let [s, details] = super.doPrepare(str, flags); if (this.currentMask) { let currentDetails; [s, currentDetails] = super.doPrepare(s, this.currentMaskFlags(flags)); details = details.aggregate(currentDetails); } return [s, details]; } doPrepareChar(str, flags) { if (flags === void 0) { flags = {}; } let [s, details] = super.doPrepareChar(str, flags); if (this.currentMask) { let currentDetails; [s, currentDetails] = super.doPrepareChar(s, this.currentMaskFlags(flags)); details = details.aggregate(currentDetails); } return [s, details]; } reset() { var _this$currentMask; (_this$currentMask = this.currentMask) == null || _this$currentMask.reset(); this.compiledMasks.forEach(m => m.reset()); } get value() { return this.exposeMask ? this.exposeMask.value : this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.value : ''; } set value(value) { if (this.exposeMask) { this.exposeMask.value = value; this.currentMask = this.exposeMask; this._applyDispatch(); } else super.value = value; } get unmaskedValue() { return this.exposeMask ? this.exposeMask.unmaskedValue : this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.unmaskedValue : ''; } set unmaskedValue(unmaskedValue) { if (this.exposeMask) { this.exposeMask.unmaskedValue = unmaskedValue; this.currentMask = this.exposeMask; this._applyDispatch(); } else super.unmaskedValue = unmaskedValue; } get typedValue() { return this.exposeMask ? this.exposeMask.typedValue : this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.typedValue : ''; } set typedValue(typedValue) { if (this.exposeMask) { this.exposeMask.typedValue = typedValue; this.currentMask = this.exposeMask; this._applyDispatch(); return; } let unmaskedValue = String(typedValue); // double check it if (this.currentMask) { this.currentMask.typedValue = typedValue; unmaskedValue = this.currentMask.unmaskedValue; } this.unmaskedValue = unmaskedValue; } get displayValue() { return this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.displayValue : ''; } get isComplete() { var _this$currentMask2; return Boolean((_this$currentMask2 = this.currentMask) == null ? void 0 : _this$currentMask2.isComplete); } get isFilled() { var _this$currentMask3; return Boolean((_this$currentMask3 = this.currentMask) == null ? void 0 : _this$currentMask3.isFilled); } remove(fromPos, toPos) { const details = new ChangeDetails(); if (this.currentMask) { details.aggregate(this.currentMask.remove(fromPos, toPos)) // update with dispatch .aggregate(this._applyDispatch()); } return details; } get state() { var _this$currentMask4; return { ...super.state, _rawInputValue: this.rawInputValue, compiledMasks: this.compiledMasks.map(m => m.state), currentMaskRef: this.currentMask, currentMask: (_this$currentMask4 = this.currentMask) == null ? void 0 : _this$currentMask4.state }; } set state(state) { const { compiledMasks, currentMaskRef, currentMask, ...maskedState } = state; if (compiledMasks) this.compiledMasks.forEach((m, mi) => m.state = compiledMasks[mi]); if (currentMaskRef != null) { this.currentMask = currentMaskRef; this.currentMask.state = currentMask; } super.state = maskedState; } extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags) { return this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags) : ''; } extractTail(fromPos, toPos) { return this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.extractTail(fromPos, toPos) : super.extractTail(fromPos, toPos); } doCommit() { if (this.currentMask) this.currentMask.doCommit(); super.doCommit(); } nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction) { return this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction) : super.nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction); } get overwrite() { return this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.overwrite : this._overwrite; } set overwrite(overwrite) { this._overwrite = overwrite; } get eager() { return this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.eager : this._eager; } set eager(eager) { this._eager = eager; } get skipInvalid() { return this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.skipInvalid : this._skipInvalid; } set skipInvalid(skipInvalid) { this._skipInvalid = skipInvalid; } get autofix() { return this.currentMask ? this.currentMask.autofix : this._autofix; } set autofix(autofix) { this._autofix = autofix; } maskEquals(mask) { return Array.isArray(mask) ? this.compiledMasks.every((m, mi) => { if (!mask[mi]) return; const { mask: oldMask, ...restOpts } = mask[mi]; return objectIncludes(m, restOpts) && m.maskEquals(oldMask); }) : super.maskEquals(mask); } typedValueEquals(value) { var _this$currentMask5; return Boolean((_this$currentMask5 = this.currentMask) == null ? void 0 : _this$currentMask5.typedValueEquals(value)); } } /** Currently chosen mask */ /** Currently chosen mask */ /** Compliled {@link Masked} options */ /** Chooses {@link Masked} depending on input value */ MaskedDynamic.DEFAULTS = { ...Masked.DEFAULTS, dispatch: (appended, masked, flags, tail) => { if (!masked.compiledMasks.length) return; const inputValue = masked.rawInputValue; // simulate input const inputs = masked.compiledMasks.map((m, index) => { const isCurrent = masked.currentMask === m; const startInputPos = isCurrent ? m.displayValue.length : m.nearestInputPos(m.displayValue.length, DIRECTION.FORCE_LEFT); if (m.rawInputValue !== inputValue) { m.reset(); m.append(inputValue, { raw: true }); } else if (!isCurrent) { m.remove(startInputPos); } m.append(appended, masked.currentMaskFlags(flags)); m.appendTail(tail); return { index, weight: m.rawInputValue.length, totalInputPositions: m.totalInputPositions(0, Math.max(startInputPos, m.nearestInputPos(m.displayValue.length, DIRECTION.FORCE_LEFT))) }; }); // pop masks with longer values first inputs.sort((i1, i2) => i2.weight - i1.weight || i2.totalInputPositions - i1.totalInputPositions); return masked.compiledMasks[inputs[0].index]; } }; IMask.MaskedDynamic = MaskedDynamic; /** Pattern which validates enum values */ class MaskedEnum extends MaskedPattern { constructor(opts) { super({ ...MaskedEnum.DEFAULTS, ...opts }); // mask will be created in _update } updateOptions(opts) { super.updateOptions(opts); } _update(opts) { const { enum: enum_, ...eopts } = opts; if (enum_) { const lengths = enum_.map(e => e.length); const requiredLength = Math.min(...lengths); const optionalLength = Math.max(...lengths) - requiredLength; eopts.mask = '*'.repeat(requiredLength); if (optionalLength) eopts.mask += '[' + '*'.repeat(optionalLength) + ']'; this.enum = enum_; } super._update(eopts); } _appendCharRaw(ch, flags) { if (flags === void 0) { flags = {}; } const matchFrom = Math.min(this.nearestInputPos(0, DIRECTION.FORCE_RIGHT), this.value.length); const matches = this.enum.filter(e => this.matchValue(e, this.unmaskedValue + ch, matchFrom)); if (matches.length) { if (matches.length === 1) { this._forEachBlocksInRange(0, this.value.length, (b, bi) => { const mch = matches[0][bi]; if (bi >= this.value.length || mch === b.value) return; b.reset(); b._appendChar(mch, flags); }); } const d = super._appendCharRaw(matches[0][this.value.length], flags); if (matches.length === 1) { matches[0].slice(this.unmaskedValue.length).split('').forEach(mch => d.aggregate(super._appendCharRaw(mch))); } return d; } return new ChangeDetails({ skip: !this.isComplete }); } extractTail(fromPos, toPos) { if (fromPos === void 0) { fromPos = 0; } if (toPos === void 0) { toPos = this.displayValue.length; } // just drop tail return new ContinuousTailDetails('', fromPos); } remove(fromPos, toPos) { if (fromPos === void 0) { fromPos = 0; } if (toPos === void 0) { toPos = this.displayValue.length; } if (fromPos === toPos) return new ChangeDetails(); const matchFrom = Math.min(super.nearestInputPos(0, DIRECTION.FORCE_RIGHT), this.value.length); let pos; for (pos = fromPos; pos >= 0; --pos) { const matches = this.enum.filter(e => this.matchValue(e, this.value.slice(matchFrom, pos), matchFrom)); if (matches.length > 1) break; } const details = super.remove(pos, toPos); details.tailShift += pos - fromPos; return details; } get isComplete() { return this.enum.indexOf(this.value) >= 0; } } /** Match enum value */ MaskedEnum.DEFAULTS = { ...MaskedPattern.DEFAULTS, matchValue: (estr, istr, matchFrom) => estr.indexOf(istr, matchFrom) === matchFrom }; IMask.MaskedEnum = MaskedEnum; /** Masking by custom Function */ class MaskedFunction extends Masked { /** */ /** Enable characters overwriting */ /** */ /** */ /** */ updateOptions(opts) { super.updateOptions(opts); } _update(opts) { super._update({ ...opts, validate: opts.mask }); } } IMask.MaskedFunction = MaskedFunction; var _MaskedNumber; /** Number mask */ class MaskedNumber extends Masked { /** Single char */ /** Single char */ /** Array of single chars */ /** */ /** */ /** Digits after point */ /** Flag to remove leading and trailing zeros in the end of editing */ /** Flag to pad trailing zeros after point in the end of editing */ /** Enable characters overwriting */ /** */ /** */ /** */ /** Format typed value to string */ /** Parse string to get typed value */ constructor(opts) { super({ ...MaskedNumber.DEFAULTS, ...opts }); } updateOptions(opts) { super.updateOptions(opts); } _update(opts) { super._update(opts); this._updateRegExps(); } _updateRegExps() { const start = '^' + (this.allowNegative ? '[+|\\-]?' : ''); const mid = '\\d*'; const end = (this.scale ? "(" + escapeRegExp(this.radix) + "\\d{0," + this.scale + "})?" : '') + '$'; this._numberRegExp = new RegExp(start + mid + end); this._mapToRadixRegExp = new RegExp("[" + this.mapToRadix.map(escapeRegExp).join('') + "]", 'g'); this._thousandsSeparatorRegExp = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(this.thousandsSeparator), 'g'); } _removeThousandsSeparators(value) { return value.replace(this._thousandsSeparatorRegExp, ''); } _insertThousandsSeparators(value) { // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2901102/how-to-print-a-number-with-commas-as-thousands-separators-in-javascript const parts = value.split(this.radix); parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, this.thousandsSeparator); return parts.join(this.radix); } doPrepareChar(ch, flags) { if (flags === void 0) { flags = {}; } const [prepCh, details] = super.doPrepareChar(this._removeThousandsSeparators(this.scale && this.mapToRadix.length && ( /* radix should be mapped when 1) input is done from keyboard = flags.input && flags.raw 2) unmasked value is set = !flags.input && !flags.raw and should not be mapped when 1) value is set = flags.input && !flags.raw 2) raw value is set = !flags.input && flags.raw */ flags.input && flags.raw || !flags.input && !flags.raw) ? ch.replace(this._mapToRadixRegExp, this.radix) : ch), flags); if (ch && !prepCh) details.skip = true; if (prepCh && !this.allowPositive && !this.value && prepCh !== '-') details.aggregate(this._appendChar('-')); return [prepCh, details]; } _separatorsCount(to, extendOnSeparators) { if (extendOnSeparators === void 0) { extendOnSeparators = false; } let count = 0; for (let pos = 0; pos < to; ++pos) { if (this._value.indexOf(this.thousandsSeparator, pos) === pos) { ++count; if (extendOnSeparators) to += this.thousandsSeparator.length; } } return count; } _separatorsCountFromSlice(slice) { if (slice === void 0) { slice = this._value; } return this._separatorsCount(this._removeThousandsSeparators(slice).length, true); } extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags) { if (fromPos === void 0) { fromPos = 0; } if (toPos === void 0) { toPos = this.displayValue.length; } [fromPos, toPos] = this._adjustRangeWithSeparators(fromPos, toPos); return this._removeThousandsSeparators(super.extractInput(fromPos, toPos, flags)); } _appendCharRaw(ch, flags) { if (flags === void 0) { flags = {}; } const prevBeforeTailValue = flags.tail && flags._beforeTailState ? flags._beforeTailState._value : this._value; const prevBeforeTailSeparatorsCount = this._separatorsCountFromSlice(prevBeforeTailValue); this._value = this._removeThousandsSeparators(this.value); const oldValue = this._value; this._value += ch; const num = this.number; let accepted = !isNaN(num); let skip = false; if (accepted) { let fixedNum; if (this.min != null && this.min < 0 && this.number < this.min) fixedNum = this.min; if (this.max != null && this.max > 0 && this.number > this.max) fixedNum = this.max; if (fixedNum != null) { if (this.autofix) { this._value = this.format(fixedNum, this).replace(MaskedNumber.UNMASKED_RADIX, this.radix); skip || (skip = oldValue === this._value && !flags.tail); // if not changed on tail it's still ok to proceed } else { accepted = false; } } accepted && (accepted = Boolean(this._value.match(this._numberRegExp))); } let appendDetails; if (!accepted) { this._value = oldValue; appendDetails = new ChangeDetails(); } else { appendDetails = new ChangeDetails({ inserted: this._value.slice(oldValue.length), rawInserted: skip ? '' : ch, skip }); } this._value = this._insertThousandsSeparators(this._value); const beforeTailValue = flags.tail && flags._beforeTailState ? flags._beforeTailState._value : this._value; const beforeTailSeparatorsCount = this._separatorsCountFromSlice(beforeTailValue); appendDetails.tailShift += (beforeTailSeparatorsCount - prevBeforeTailSeparatorsCount) * this.thousandsSeparator.length; return appendDetails; } _findSeparatorAround(pos) { if (this.thousandsSeparator) { const searchFrom = pos - this.thousandsSeparator.length + 1; const separatorPos = this.value.indexOf(this.thousandsSeparator, searchFrom); if (separatorPos <= pos) return separatorPos; } return -1; } _adjustRangeWithSeparators(from, to) { const separatorAroundFromPos = this._findSeparatorAround(from); if (separatorAroundFromPos >= 0) from = separatorAroundFromPos; const separatorAroundToPos = this._findSeparatorAround(to); if (separatorAroundToPos >= 0) to = separatorAroundToPos + this.thousandsSeparator.length; return [from, to]; } remove(fromPos, toPos) { if (fromPos === void 0) { fromPos = 0; } if (toPos === void 0) { toPos = this.displayValue.length; } [fromPos, toPos] = this._adjustRangeWithSeparators(fromPos, toPos); const valueBeforePos = this.value.slice(0, fromPos); const valueAfterPos = this.value.slice(toPos); const prevBeforeTailSeparatorsCount = this._separatorsCount(valueBeforePos.length); this._value = this._insertThousandsSeparators(this._removeThousandsSeparators(valueBeforePos + valueAfterPos)); const beforeTailSeparatorsCount = this._separatorsCountFromSlice(valueBeforePos); return new ChangeDetails({ tailShift: (beforeTailSeparatorsCount - prevBeforeTailSeparatorsCount) * this.thousandsSeparator.length }); } nearestInputPos(cursorPos, direction) { if (!this.thousandsSeparator) return cursorPos; switch (direction) { case DIRECTION.NONE: case DIRECTION.LEFT: case DIRECTION.FORCE_LEFT: { const separatorAtLeftPos = this._findSeparatorAround(cursorPos - 1); if (separatorAtLeftPos >= 0) { const separatorAtLeftEndPos = separatorAtLeftPos + this.thousandsSeparator.length; if (cursorPos < separatorAtLeftEndPos || this.value.length <= separatorAtLeftEndPos || direction === DIRECTION.FORCE_LEFT) { return separatorAtLeftPos; } } break; } case DIRECTION.RIGHT: case DIRECTION.FORCE_RIGHT: { const separatorAtRightPos = this._findSeparatorAround(cursorPos); if (separatorAtRightPos >= 0) { return separatorAtRightPos + this.thousandsSeparator.length; } } } return cursorPos; } doCommit() { if (this.value) { const number = this.number; let validnum = number; // check bounds if (this.min != null) validnum = Math.max(validnum, this.min); if (this.max != null) validnum = Math.min(validnum, this.max); if (validnum !== number) this.unmaskedValue = this.format(validnum, this); let formatted = this.value; if (this.normalizeZeros) formatted = this._normalizeZeros(formatted); if (this.padFractionalZeros && this.scale > 0) formatted = this._padFractionalZeros(formatted); this._value = formatted; } super.doCommit(); } _normalizeZeros(value) { const parts = this._removeThousandsSeparators(value).split(this.radix); // remove leading zeros parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/^(\D*)(0*)(\d*)/, (match, sign, zeros, num) => sign + num); // add leading zero if (value.length && !/\d$/.test(parts[0])) parts[0] = parts[0] + '0'; if (parts.length > 1) { parts[1] = parts[1].replace(/0*$/, ''); // remove trailing zeros if (!parts[1].length) parts.length = 1; // remove fractional } return this._insertThousandsSeparators(parts.join(this.radix)); } _padFractionalZeros(value) { if (!value) return value; const parts = value.split(this.radix); if (parts.length < 2) parts.push(''); parts[1] = parts[1].padEnd(this.scale, '0'); return parts.join(this.radix); } doSkipInvalid(ch, flags, checkTail) { if (flags === void 0) { flags = {}; } const dropFractional = this.scale === 0 && ch !== this.thousandsSeparator && (ch === this.radix || ch === MaskedNumber.UNMASKED_RADIX || this.mapToRadix.includes(ch)); return super.doSkipInvalid(ch, flags, checkTail) && !dropFractional; } get unmaskedValue() { return this._removeThousandsSeparators(this._normalizeZeros(this.value)).replace(this.radix, MaskedNumber.UNMASKED_RADIX); } set unmaskedValue(unmaskedValue) { super.unmaskedValue = unmaskedValue; } get typedValue() { return this.parse(this.unmaskedValue, this); } set typedValue(n) { this.rawInputValue = this.format(n, this).replace(MaskedNumber.UNMASKED_RADIX, this.radix); } /** Parsed Number */ get number() { return this.typedValue; } set number(number) { this.typedValue = number; } get allowNegative() { return this.min != null && this.min < 0 || this.max != null && this.max < 0; } get allowPositive() { return this.min != null && this.min > 0 || this.max != null && this.max > 0; } typedValueEquals(value) { // handle 0 -> '' case (typed = 0 even if value = '') // for details see https://github.com/uNmAnNeR/imaskjs/issues/134 return (super.typedValueEquals(value) || MaskedNumber.EMPTY_VALUES.includes(value) && MaskedNumber.EMPTY_VALUES.includes(this.typedValue)) && !(value === 0 && this.value === ''); } } _MaskedNumber = MaskedNumber; MaskedNumber.UNMASKED_RADIX = '.'; MaskedNumber.EMPTY_VALUES = [...Masked.EMPTY_VALUES, 0]; MaskedNumber.DEFAULTS = { ...Masked.DEFAULTS, mask: Number, radix: ',', thousandsSeparator: '', mapToRadix: [_MaskedNumber.UNMASKED_RADIX], min: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, max: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, scale: 2, normalizeZeros: true, padFractionalZeros: false, parse: Number, format: n => n.toLocaleString('en-US', { useGrouping: false, maximumFractionDigits: 20 }) }; IMask.MaskedNumber = MaskedNumber; /** Mask pipe source and destination types */ const PIPE_TYPE = { MASKED: 'value', UNMASKED: 'unmaskedValue', TYPED: 'typedValue' }; /** Creates new pipe function depending on mask type, source and destination options */ function createPipe(arg, from, to) { if (from === void 0) { from = PIPE_TYPE.MASKED; } if (to === void 0) { to = PIPE_TYPE.MASKED; } const masked = createMask(arg); return value => masked.runIsolated(m => { m[from] = value; return m[to]; }); } /** Pipes value through mask depending on mask type, source and destination options */ function pipe(value, mask, from, to) { return createPipe(mask, from, to)(value); } IMask.PIPE_TYPE = PIPE_TYPE; IMask.createPipe = createPipe; IMask.pipe = pipe; /** Pattern mask */ class RepeatBlock extends MaskedPattern { get repeatFrom() { var _ref; return (_ref = Array.isArray(this.repeat) ? this.repeat[0] : this.repeat === Infinity ? 0 : this.repeat) != null ? _ref : 0; } get repeatTo() { var _ref2; return (_ref2 = Array.isArray(this.repeat) ? this.repeat[1] : this.repeat) != null ? _ref2 : Infinity; } constructor(opts) { super(opts); } updateOptions(opts) { super.updateOptions(opts); } _update(opts) { var _ref3, _ref4, _this$_blocks; const { repeat, ...blockOpts } = normalizeOpts(opts); // TODO type this._blockOpts = Object.assign({}, this._blockOpts, blockOpts); const block = createMask(this._blockOpts); this.repeat = (_ref3 = (_ref4 = repeat != null ? repeat : block.repeat) != null ? _ref4 : this.repeat) != null ? _ref3 : Infinity; // TODO type super._update({ mask: 'm'.repeat(Math.max(this.repeatTo === Infinity && ((_this$_blocks = this._blocks) == null ? void 0 : _this$_blocks.length) || 0, this.repeatFrom)), blocks: { m: block }, eager: block.eager, overwrite: block.overwrite, skipInvalid: block.skipInvalid, lazy: block.lazy, placeholderChar: block.placeholderChar, displayChar: block.displayChar }); } _allocateBlock(bi) { if (bi < this._blocks.length) return this._blocks[bi]; if (this.repeatTo === Infinity || this._blocks.length < this.repeatTo) { this._blocks.push(createMask(this._blockOpts)); this.mask += 'm'; return this._blocks[this._blocks.length - 1]; } } _appendCharRaw(ch, flags) { if (flags === void 0) { flags = {}; } const details = new ChangeDetails(); for (let bi = (_this$_mapPosToBlock$ = (_this$_mapPosToBlock = this._mapPosToBlock(this.displayValue.length)) == null ? void 0 : _this$_mapPosToBlock.index) != null ? _this$_mapPosToBlock$ : Math.max(this._blocks.length - 1, 0), block, allocated; // try to get a block or // try to allocate a new block if not allocated already block = (_this$_blocks$bi = this._blocks[bi]) != null ? _this$_blocks$bi : allocated = !allocated && this._allocateBlock(bi); ++bi) { var _this$_mapPosToBlock$, _this$_mapPosToBlock, _this$_blocks$bi, _flags$_beforeTailSta; const blockDetails = block._appendChar(ch, { ...flags, _beforeTailState: (_flags$_beforeTailSta = flags._beforeTailState) == null || (_flags$_beforeTailSta = _flags$_beforeTailSta._blocks) == null ? void 0 : _flags$_beforeTailSta[bi] }); if (blockDetails.skip && allocated) { // remove the last allocated block and break this._blocks.pop(); this.mask = this.mask.slice(1); break; } details.aggregate(blockDetails); if (blockDetails.consumed) break; // go next char } return details; } _trimEmptyTail(fromPos, toPos) { var _this$_mapPosToBlock2, _this$_mapPosToBlock3; if (fromPos === void 0) { fromPos = 0; } const firstBlockIndex = Math.max(((_this$_mapPosToBlock2 = this._mapPosToBlock(fromPos)) == null ? void 0 : _this$_mapPosToBlock2.index) || 0, this.repeatFrom, 0); let lastBlockIndex; if (toPos != null) lastBlockIndex = (_this$_mapPosToBlock3 = this._mapPosToBlock(toPos)) == null ? void 0 : _this$_mapPosToBlock3.index; if (lastBlockIndex == null) lastBlockIndex = this._blocks.length - 1; let removeCount = 0; for (let blockIndex = lastBlockIndex; firstBlockIndex <= blockIndex; --blockIndex, ++removeCount) { if (this._blocks[blockIndex].unmaskedValue) break; } if (removeCount) { this._blocks.splice(lastBlockIndex - removeCount + 1, removeCount); this.mask = this.mask.slice(removeCount); } } reset() { super.reset(); this._trimEmptyTail(); } remove(fromPos, toPos) { if (fromPos === void 0) { fromPos = 0; } if (toPos === void 0) { toPos = this.displayValue.length; } const removeDetails = super.remove(fromPos, toPos); this._trimEmptyTail(fromPos, toPos); return removeDetails; } totalInputPositions(fromPos, toPos) { if (fromPos === void 0) { fromPos = 0; } if (toPos == null && this.repeatTo === Infinity) return Infinity; return super.totalInputPositions(fromPos, toPos); } get state() { return super.state; } set state(state) { this._blocks.length = state._blocks.length; this.mask = this.mask.slice(0, this._blocks.length); super.state = state; } } IMask.RepeatBlock = RepeatBlock; try { globalThis.IMask = IMask; } catch {} exports.ChangeDetails = ChangeDetails; exports.ChunksTailDetails = ChunksTailDetails; exports.DIRECTION = DIRECTION; exports.HTMLContenteditableMaskElement = HTMLContenteditableMaskElement; exports.HTMLInputMaskElement = HTMLInputMaskElement; exports.HTMLMaskElement = HTMLMaskElement; exports.InputMask = InputMask; exports.MaskElement = MaskElement; exports.Masked = Masked; exports.MaskedDate = MaskedDate; exports.MaskedDynamic = MaskedDynamic; exports.MaskedEnum = MaskedEnum; exports.MaskedFunction = MaskedFunction; exports.MaskedNumber = MaskedNumber; exports.MaskedPattern = MaskedPattern; exports.MaskedRange = MaskedRange; exports.MaskedRegExp = MaskedRegExp; exports.PIPE_TYPE = PIPE_TYPE; exports.PatternFixedDefinition = PatternFixedDefinition; exports.PatternInputDefinition = PatternInputDefinition; exports.RepeatBlock = RepeatBlock; exports.createMask = createMask; exports.createPipe = createPipe; exports.default = IMask; exports.forceDirection = forceDirection; exports.normalizeOpts = normalizeOpts; exports.pipe = pipe; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); })); //# sourceMappingURL=imask.js.map